Favorite Class-Based Game?

Never played those games! But I replied out of solidarity and sympathy, because I noticed that no one had replied, and that made me sad. Therefore I am not as bad as some people here make me out to be. ??‍♂️
But I hope someone else will give a proper answer to this thread. ?
My first experience with a class-based FPS was most likely Team Fortress Classic for Half-Life in the very early 2000s though. I got introduced to Half-Life through Blue-Shift not long after its release and Opposing Force Multiplayer that got bundled with it and in association then had a friend, a classmate lend me a regular HL disc in exchange for Blue Shift even though his version was just a backup copy and not even the original disc from a store. Year later I got the complete package anyways (and a second Blue-Shift disc lol because it included all the games up to that point including a bonus cd so five cds in total). These days if you get HL on Steam you get lots of that content as default now lol.
Back then that was different and there was some obscure stuff. hell, some compilations/editions even had TFC as a separate disc too! That wasn't in this version, it was on HL Goty and also on the counter strike retail cd I think? Crazy anyways.

TF started as a quake mod of course.

I also considered getting Tribes 2 etc which was sold in the same store as i got Blue-Shift and there was even an adcertisement for it in the manual. Sadly I lost all that physical stuff in the flood...

As for U2XMP, like I said in this now nuked article(recently re-created/created anew by a different user, if he won't make subpages it will also get nuked though):

the new one is here https://tcrf.net/Proto:Unreal_II:_The_Awakening

However what I want to point out here is that this line I wrote.
Beta of the U2XMP expansion pack, which got started as a clean slate of sorts with using the most commonly used(among licensees) 2226 Warfare build as a base while adding on top some of the legend made stuff, in exception of the golem skeletal model system.

The gametype "XMP" was first developed for the original Unreal 2 game actually and was like a step up from the "Citadel" that was in the Wheel of Time game. Like an upgrade of sorts. They even planned to initially revive the command control game from UT as a War type of game. Dummy classes for this are present in the early alpha game files.
The released game contains an abandoned stripped down version of the original XMP. At some point in 2002 they were forced by publishers to abandon the multiplayer. Hence why they re-made it into the standalone addon, which funnily enough used Unreal Warfare engine 2226 as its base (a commonly distributed licensee version at the time, also this version eventually leaked with its UW demo content). Unreal Warfare was funnily enough the class based team game that Epic developed as an Unreal spinoff but abandoned in favor of ut2004 and reused contents. The game received a reboot in a new engine and that became Gears of War.
But Unreal 2 XMP was ironically the better and more fun team-based game. Also it had differences from the plain game/cut gametype. It was more "hardcoded" in the classes, there were no more weapon pickups, no more scattered artifacts, no more replicators and need for "researching" items as such, it was simplified even though this research thing is automatic in u2xmp and gives you deployables (the item online thing is that), its just originally that was deployed through the replicator stations which are no longer a thing due to nothing being really a pickup anymore. And the original concept didn't have vehicles as such, that was partially borrowed from warfare but they did a much better job with the vehicles in u2xmp and how balanced they were than the mismash epic has been doing so far.
Its just the u2xmp addon was hardly authorized and after Unreal 2 received the "Joss Whedon" treatment and became the most hated game in the series, the studio Legend got shut down when they were becoming and more rebelious and even plans for a SP sequel emerged with the cut missions being restored...but it was too late at that point.
In fact Unreal 2 got the "shutdown" much earlier in this way including its master server, all the way back then. The community had to support it all the time so that was a taste of things to come when Epic pulled the plug on everything Unreal in 2023...

Except their flagship engine of course...
For me it's a game originally from Korea titled Gem Fighter, brought to other countries and (sadly) retitled Rumble Fighter

A PVP-focused (though not solely centric), Mixed Martial Arts combining real and anime/fantasy martial art styles with literal hundreds to choose from, and thousands of items to customize your personal character and outfit yourself with gear
and ExoCores, the overpowered skill abilities that use your MP bar (called SP in this game; for skill points) and can be almost anything; from weapons like the sword from Bleach to an android laser cannon
you can customize your character who can be 1 of 4 classes starting out, with a total of 5 classes that come in either gender, as well as Android which come in female.

Though it is a class-based game, it contains a team  mode despite having a single mode as well, so people can go 4 against 4 in one of the 8-player rooms which are all player created on the server, as well as rooms you can create yourself from the lobby. Once you're in a room, it looks like this.

And from there the Room leader chooses the stages and when to start the game, as well as the option to kick players from the room. Once the game starts, they will start battling each other with various martial arts and anime gear or superpowers.

Players can also play on evenly made teams of up to 8 players per room, which is also the standard maximum for players in free-for-all mode as well.

It's got highly addictive gameplay and is my favorite game.
Though it is a class-based game, it contains a team  mode despite having a single mode as well, so people can go 4 against 4 in one of the 8-player rooms which are all player created on the server, as well as rooms you can create yourself from the lobby. Once you're in a room, it looks like this.
View attachment 12183
And from there the Room leader chooses the stages and when to start the game, as well as the option to kick players from the room. Once the game starts, they will start battling each other with various martial arts and anime gear or superpowers.
View attachment 12189
Players can also play on evenly made teams of up to 8 players per room, which is also the standard maximum for players in free-for-all mode as well.
View attachment 12190
It's got highly addictive gameplay and is my favorite game.
I quoted only part of your post now, but... is this really a class-based game? I mean it seems too varied not to mention those customizations you speak of, that is not part of the games I mentioned.

Like in XMP you have only three player classes but they are combinations of several tropes. In Team Fortress Classic there are classes like Scout, Sniper, Demoman, Soldier, Medic, HeavyWepDude, Pyro, Spy, Engineer.
In u2xmp functions of scout, sniper, medic and sometimes spy are all part of the Ranger class, while Engineer, Soldier are basically Tech, Pyro, Demoman and HeavyWep are the Gunner class.
But there is also a bit of an overlap.

I also played some forgotten Unreal mods like Fear which had player classes in some of the gametypes and they were more varied but following similar preconceptions.
In Unreal Warfare they had also more team fortress esque thing going on, ugh I don't remember all the classes from memory now, but some of them were called the same way as TF like medic and engineer are there and I think sniper too, dunno what the heavy guy was called anymore but he had a gatling gun and mech suit and was very slow also had to use jetpacks to get anywhere higher at all due to his heavy weight...

unfortunately uw is not very well documented online and obscure/hard to get to run from the leaked content so its only footage from videos or downloading the thing and I am not doing that right now. There was like an earlier leak that got shared and got lost, with different content, given its obscurity its never likely going to surface again unless some of those people who were licensees will dig it up and upload it one day just like the chinese did with the 2226/2227 version. Because the licensses always got examples in the unreal warfare content.
Never played those games! But I replied out of solidarity and sympathy, because I noticed that no one had replied, and that made me sad. Therefore I am not as bad as some people here make me out to be. ??‍♂️
But I hope someone else will give a proper answer to this thread. ?

So basically you answered for the selfish reason of making yourself look like a nice guy and not out of sympathy.
So basically you answered for the selfish reason of making yourself look like a nice guy and not out of sympathy.
Dear lady, I need to cleanse my image of the mud you have thrown at me unjustifiably lately.

On second thought, you did me a favor the other day: we say "for better or for worse, as long as people talk about you". And yes, "diva" actually fits me like a glove, honey. ?

P.S. As for my sympathy towards other users, you would easily find it, if you had not already, with prejudice, labeled and condemned me without appeal. ??‍♂️
Class based game...

Other than Sorceress in D2, i haven't found many that really jive with me. (well Zy-El really revamped D2 better than anything else i've seen)

Victor Vran was workable since the class you played WAS the weapon type you selected.

It's a bit annoying you get a 'package' deal in a lot of games and if it isn't all you wanted it's difficult to enjoy simply cause it doesn't feel right. I understand it can make things feel different, but when i have to start a game over 20 times from the variant classes just so i can look at what the abilities are and figure out how they are suppose to play, and the class name doesn't always help.

It's kinda why i get stuck in D&D games, so i usually end up as a sorcerer. Hard to argue with fireball...
Hard to argue with a fireball. Well that reminds me of Hexen. I mean you also pick classes even in singleplayer, like there's fighter, mage and cleric. Zeur (my partner) picks Mage usually. But I do like better when your classes can pick up other stuff and become better, like was planned for the original u2 xmp game before it was split off into separate addon game.

But yea Hexen II had more classes and one more even including the addon. But it wasn't as good game as the original in a way.

The other classes I didn't mention for Unreal Warfare are "Heavy Infantry" "Plasma Trooper" "Light Infantry"

Don't have time to dig more into this, bbl

edit: There was also an "Officer" class for the cog and ingame the lightinfantry is just refered to as soldier and the other one as "heavy".
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I quoted only part of your post now, but... is this really a class-based game? I mean it seems too varied not to mention those customizations you speak of, that is not part of the games I mentioned.

Like in XMP you have only three player classes but they are combinations of several tropes. In Team Fortress Classic there are classes like Scout, Sniper, Demoman, Soldier, Medic, HeavyWepDude, Pyro, Spy, Engineer.
In u2xmp functions of scout, sniper, medic and sometimes spy are all part of the Ranger class, while Engineer, Soldier are basically Tech, Pyro, Demoman and HeavyWep are the Gunner class.
But there is also a bit of an overlap.

I also played some forgotten Unreal mods like Fear which had player classes in some of the gametypes and they were more varied but following similar preconceptions.
In Unreal Warfare they had also more team fortress esque thing going on, ugh I don't remember all the classes from memory now, but some of them were called the same way as TF like medic and engineer are there and I think sniper too, dunno what the heavy guy was called anymore but he had a gatling gun and mech suit and was very slow also had to use jetpacks to get anywhere higher at all due to his heavy weight...

unfortunately uw is not very well documented online and obscure/hard to get to run from the leaked content so its only footage from videos or downloading the thing and I am not doing that right now. There was like an earlier leak that got shared and got lost, with different content, given its obscurity its never likely going to surface again unless some of those people who were licensees will dig it up and upload it one day just like the chinese did with the 2226/2227 version. Because the licensses always got examples in the unreal warfare content.
Yes, and a lot of the scrolls (which contain the fighting style for your character) are only accessible to certain classes;
There are
- Striker

Strikers are a well-balanced, strength-based class and basically the heavy hitter of the classes, with Exocores that are based off their incredible strength.
- Soul Fighter

Soul Fighters are basically the rogue/quick hitter/DPS combo fighter of all the classes, with Exocores that are generally either -Really cool swords, -Thief/Ninja style weaponry or -Animal-based abilities and morphing.
- Elementalist

The mage class, Elementalists have the lowest defense and HP and retain the highest magic factor, being made with more fancy magic-based ExoCores to use in battle.
- Alchemist

These guys are the tanks in that they have high defense, and their entire thing is science.
With an array of magic/science based ExoCores to use in battle, Alchemist provides a nice variety of options as a class. There are a lot of different weapons to try in this class.
- Shamans

Shamans have a spiritual element to them, making them one of the more interesting choices to pick from among classes; they are generally well-rounded with a variety of abilities with some being nature-themed and others spirituality themed. Their item pool mixes a little with Soul Fighter, making them the more druidic class of the game.
- Android

Androids are an alternative to the rest of the classes, opting out of a good many items to choose it; the sacrifice comes at a high price, but you can manage to dish out some vicious and less predictable attacks with robotic precision.

No class has an edge or advantage over the other, as the game is entirely skill-based; any player can win against any other, for the most part with very few exceptions, but it always boils down to this; a player who knows what they're doing will always have the advantage over one who does not.

That said, it is the most fun game I have ever played in my life.
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There are
- Striker
Strikers are a well-balanced, strength-based class and basically the heavy hitter of the classes, with Exocores that are based off their incredible strength.
- Soul Fighter
Soul Fighters are basically the rogue/quick hitter/DPS combo fighter of all the classes, with Exocores that are generally either -Really cool swords, -Thief/Ninja style weaponry or -Animal-based abilities and morphing.
- Elementalist
The mage class, Elementalists have the lowest defense and HP and retain the highest magic factor, being made with more fancy magic-based ExoCores to use in battle.
- Alchemist
These guys are the tanks in that they have high defense, and their entire thing is science.
With an array of magic/science based ExoCores to use in battle, Alchemist provides a nice variety of options as a class.
- Shamans
Shamans have a spiritual element to them, making them one of the more interesting choices to pick from among classes; they are generally well-rounded with a variety of abilities with some being nature-themed and others spirituality themed. Their item pool mixes a little with Soul Fighter, making them the more druidic class of the game.
- Android
Androids are an alternative to the rest of the classes, opting out of a good many items to choose it; the sacrifice comes at a high price, but you can manage to dish out some vicious and less predictable attacks with robotic precision.

Sounds a bit like the designations of Herosystem 6E MUD, and the classifications of how the strengths of each class generally is...

But this does sound interesting.
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I don't think that kind of a game would work for me...

but to each their own. I think its a little bit overcombined though.

Funny though that one of the first ideas for Unreal in early developement, after it stopped being a space-shooter ala "descent/terminal velocity/magic carpet" it suddenly became almost pure fantasy with rpg elements and focus on multiplayer, essentially they were toying making it a mmo/mud kinda thing. If Tim's vision would have come true, Unreal would have been what Fortnite is now, a massive mega success that everyone plays. Well, except me because I wouldn't want to play a game with that visual style and so many characters and updates all the damn time. Like damn I thought world of warcraft was something bad and how it made some players complete addicts that lost their jobs thanks to it etc...

But am I in the minority for liking also class-based FPS here? I also thought that Team Fortress 2 was popular, although it is like a comic book came to life...a bit similar to fortnite in that sense..

the original team fortress 2 was gonna move towards realism when it was called tf2 brotherhood of arms (funnily enough gearbox later made games called brothers in arms lol).

I can't say if it would have been fun to play or not though but I think i prefer the realistic concept/take on this class based game.
Probaly Deep Rock Galatic.
images (4) (2).jpeg

I'm not a big fan of PVP games, or FPS games in general, but this one got me hooked on. A friend of mine made me buy it so we could play together, and oh boy, this game is a gem. The game's community is amazing. I can count on my fingers the number of times I've met a toxic player. It's a PVE game, which is a plus for me. After a while, the game gets a bit repetitive, but I never get tired of playing it. All the 4 classes play well together and have their own function:

There's the Driller, who... well... he drills, and is also the best class for crowd control.

The Engineer, who can place turrets and platforms, which is especially useful for another class...

The Scout! The class with the best mobility in the game, he has a harpoon in his arsenal to be able to reach difficult places, and last but not least...

The Gunner, the heavy weapons guy, who has access to a zipline, which is very slow but is also useful.


  • Scout.png
    1.2 MB · Views: 3
Wow that looks interesting, I mean a real mishmash of styles from games I already mentioned (including a bit of the unreal warfare/u2xmp stuff in Gunner, even sharing the name with the heavy U2 class but more like the appearance of heavy infantry in warfare including some sort of a gatling gun).

What does his weapon fire? @ApocalypseGranny

The Gunner in U2XMP has flamethrower (vulcan) which is a fire projector primary, secondary fire is gasoline that you can ignite. Also rocketlauncher with alt mode of split four rockets that can follow 4 different targets if you lock onto them. and two grenade tytpes for gl avaiable. he can also use land mines and laser mines.

The heavy class in the cut Unreal Warfare used mostly the Gatling Gun or two of them even in one version.
That gatling gun had a cut melee mode for the geist version where it would spin a rotory blade out, but the regular version had rockets as altfire, depending on the version it would either fire it from the center of the gun, or fire it from an attachment below it.
Either way a very powerful thing and he self destructs with huge explosion if killed....
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Now I realize that even Metroid Prime Hunters can be called a class-based game. All the player classes in multiplayer are unique and very well balanced. It is one of my favorite FPS games of all time too despite only having a chance to play it now and then. For Nintendo DS.

And as for gameboy advance games go, in a way "Sonic Battle" could be considered one too but its just a fighting game with rpg system.

When I mentioned the self destruct of the heavy class in the unreleased UW, I had to think of "initiating recovery mode" in Sonic Battle, that line is so memorable when the gamma/omega like robot(s) self destruct.
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Now I realize that even Metroid Prime Hunters can be called a class-based game. All the player classes in multiplayer are unique and very well balanced. It is one of my favorite FPS games of all time too despite only having a chance to play it now and then. For Nintendo DS.
I heard it's the worst Metroid game
Wow that looks interesting, I mean a real mishmash of styles from games I already mentioned (including a bit of the unreal warfare/u2xmp stuff in Gunner, even sharing the name with the heavy U2 class but more like the appearance of heavy infantry in warfare including some sort of a gatling gun).

What does his weapon fire? @ApocalypseGranny

The Gunner in U2XMP has flamethrower (vulcan) which is a fire projector primary, secondary fire is gasoline that you can ignite. Also rocketlauncher with alt mode of split four rockets that can follow 4 different targets if you lock onto them. and two grenade tytpes for gl avaiable. he can also use land mines and laser mines.
Each class has access to 3 main weapons and 3 secondary weapons, the Gunner can choose between a minigun, a cannon, and a missile launcher, each class also has access to different throwables, they can be simple as a stun grenade, or more complex like a neurotoxin grenade. The cool thing about the loadouts on this game are the combos and the modifications you can do on your weaponry, there is a thing called overclock, these are special modifications that you can do on your weapons, these mods can be quite over the top, for example: transforming the Engineer's grenade launcher's ammunition into mini nuclear bombs, or simply giving you more ammo. Another example about the combos: the main loadout that I use on the Driller focuses on the secondary weapon, the Driller has a flamethrower that he can use as a primary weapon, I use a mod that increases the duration of the flames, and on the secondary I use a mod that makes me do more damage to enemies that are on fire, and an overclock that turns the weapon into an SMG.
I heard it's the worst Metroid game
Not to me, its among the best really for me.

Are you sure you aren't confusing it with Federation Force for the 3DS? With that chubby style and...let me not get started on MASTER BRAIN and brainwashed samus among other atrocities the game commits...

Hunters on the other hand has even in singleplayer one of the most branching out paths of any metroid game ever, only second to the original game. After the initial branching path you can even choose from two different planets to go to and several paths from then on, which weapon/whatever you get first. You can play it very differently and I like that. There were some odd choices during developement and i played both the alpha demo (called first hunt, a promotional game of sorts) and the finished finalized version. in fact the release got delayed and the game got reworked only because they wanted to showcase the full potential of the network game when new features were coming onto the system and not be limited like when the console launched....

But its still a fucking decent game. Its more action packed then usual, in fact it is a bit similar to Metroid 2 in how much action there is and yes that is my original prefered 2d metroid game. For the atmosphere and set pieces mainly but also the action. Even though it is a bit more linear than your usual metroid. And yet it doesn't feel as constraining as some of the other titles. Super Metroid is a bit too "bombastic and explosive" its like its been made by Michael Bay. Lots of "nonsense" in Super Metroid as well. I don't regard it as the best game in the series, sorry not sorry.

I disregard the official metroid 2 remake by the spanish developer as "non-canon disgrace" and i only wish that one day a real developement version of the original Metroid Dread surfaces because even if it might be better than the metroid 2 remake they still filled it with their own stuff.

Metroid Prime Hunters is a fucking based underappreciated gem with a great multiplayer mode and even bots you can play against. Its just amazing. No co-op but....in a true metroid like game that's impossible unless you do mission based shit ala federation retardation force where everyone is forced in one area.

Each class has access to 3 main weapons and 3 secondary weapons, the Gunner can choose between a minigun, a cannon, and a missile launcher, each class also has access to different throwables, they can be simple as a stun grenade, or more complex like a neurotoxin grenade. The cool thing about the loadouts on this game are the combos and the modifications you can do on your weaponry, there is a thing called overclock, these are special modifications that you can do on your weapons, these mods can be quite over the top, for example: transforming the Engineer's grenade launcher's ammunition into mini nuclear bombs, or simply giving you more ammo. Another example about the combos: the main loadout that I use on the Driller focuses on the secondary weapon, the Driller has a flamethrower that he can use as a primary weapon, I use a mod that increases the duration of the flames, and on the secondary I use a mod that makes me do more damage to enemies that are on fire, and an overclock that turns the weapon into an SMG.

Well what I meant with primary and secondary is like..in every Unreal game you have primary and secondary fire for every damn weapon (the only exception is like the singularity cannon in unreal 2 and that's only because the secondary fire got cut and is not enabled by default also because its the last gun you ever get and its already "OP", in fact they went a bit too far with it and the nearly infinite ammo it has, that removes a sense of challenge imo, they should have done something else to ensure you can finish it off even if you make mistake, like for example giving you an option of having one spare ammo to only use against tosc and noone else, i mean that can be scripted and even I can do it in UnrealScript myself...just add a check to the already existing "line of sight" function and you have it.

fuck...my left eye just keeps twitching...yea ironically that is the same eye as the scar on the avatar picture I guess...I have to take a break anyways
Each class has access to 3 main weapons and 3 secondary weapons, the Gunner can choose between a minigun, a cannon, and a missile launcher, each class also has access to different throwables, they can be simple as a stun grenade, or more complex like a neurotoxin grenade. The cool thing about the loadouts on this game are the combos and the modifications you can do on your weaponry, there is a thing called overclock, these are special modifications that you can do on your weapons, these mods can be quite over the top, for example: transforming the Engineer's grenade launcher's ammunition into mini nuclear bombs, or simply giving you more ammo. Another example about the combos: the main loadout that I use on the Driller focuses on the secondary weapon, the Driller has a flamethrower that he can use as a primary weapon, I use a mod that increases the duration of the flames, and on the secondary I use a mod that makes me do more damage to enemies that are on fire, and an overclock that turns the weapon into an SMG.
Overclock like it stops it overheating or something? Some of the beta versions of Unreal had the minigun overheat but people didn't like it so they scrapped it. All it did though was that the gun stopped and there was a red light shining indicating its jammed. but if you waited a bit then it was okay to use again.
Anyways speaking of games that have always primary and secondary fire, I can think of painkiller, the devs later merged into Epic and the series went to different people since. But in painkiller (a rather dumb shooter game otherwise) every weapon even had two ammo types. Separate ammo types sometimes happen within the unreal games or expansions but is rare. So most often its the same ammo using it.

But Painkiller had the same thing as unreal warfare and possibly one of the rarer unreal pre-releases in that it had a gatling gun/rocket launcher combo. Which is frankly awesome and I ended up inventing such a gun for the unreal psx rework too (taking an early minigun model and adding the old eightball gun bouncy rockets as the secondary fire) and that was before i knew of the warfare one, I even made the same misspelling "gattling gun" as opposed to "gatling gun", like Epic themselves did lol.

sometimes two modes of fire can even be combined for different effects with certain weapons.
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Oh yeah, sorry, idk if It counts but some weapons have mods that do change your fire rate or enchance the weapon's area of effect.
That's more like weapon upgrades/attachments that some of the unreal stuff has too. But yea its not really the same.
Yea. is there an offtopic section here btw? or does everyone just post stuff on their profiles?
Would love to see a remake that stays with a 2D pixel art style


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