Disclaimer: I played this on Switch so it will only be for that version. If there's any improvements on other versions or issues not stated here that's why.
Hey there guys! Been a while but I've been busy, sorry bout that.
Today I figured I'd give my thoughts on this game: Ever17 the out of infinity.
Now, this is not the original but a remake based on the XBOX360 version released only in Japan till now. This version also uses drawn sprites VS 3D models (the backgrounds are 3D still though).
Now, this is more of a first impressions than a full review. Either way I shall give my thoughts so far WITHOUT SPOILERS, so don't worry about that. If I must spoil, I will tag it. I'll be going through with this by certain areas of the game. Story, translation, music, etc.
Anyway to now to start:
Story: it's pretty good, but different from the original. The original is better IMO but the issue with this one is that it takes out a lot of slice of life stuff in favor of realism. The pacing is better but still feels so weird compared to the original. All in all it's still Ever17 though. Definitely think people should play the original PC version before this remake as this is more for fans than newer people.
Music/Sound: The OST used is the 360 version and while not bad by ANY means some tracks don't have the same oomph that the original had. All in all I really like it and I really think for a remix all the tracks are good. Going a bit into general sound though I feel the mixing is kinda trash as I had to play with the volume a lot since the OST got overshadowed by sound effects and sometimes even voice. It's so weird, but it could be my equipment since in hand-held it doesn't seem to be as bad I'm not really sure. but some of the alarms and crap can really blare holy moly.
Translation: The translation is fine, it has it's issues here n there but nothing that makes the game unplayable. I did see a couple instances where the line was incomprehensible only because an important word or two was botched thus leaving the line uninterpretable. One weird thing I saw was that "Kid" (Shounen in Japanese) is called "Kid" as a name since he has amnesia... but in most text boxes with a name it calls him "Boy". While "Boy" is the correct translation of "Shounen" since usually that is used for stuff meant for boys like Shonen Jump doing Naruto some consistency would have been nice. At least there was no "Kiddink" from the original but that's another story!
Visuals: Runs great on Switch, had no problems. I was worried about the 2D sprites and 3D backgrounds clashing but they actually feel pretty natural together. The only issue is that some text on some of the characters uniforms that are employees are a bit blurry at times but its nothing insane. Also the CGs look really good and convey what should be and hides what you shouldn't see. All in all really pleasant to look at and feels super natural.
Overall I've really enjoyed my time with this game so far and was curious what other people thought. I don't mind spoilers since I played the original but if you're gonna share spoilerish thoughts please tag them and some people I'm sure haven't played this or the original!