Dragon Quest vs Final Fantasy: which games are the best?


Paladin Knight
Level 1
Dec 6, 2024
Reaction score
I want to see a comparison of the numbered titles to 1 to 11 just to see which Dragon Quest or Final Fantasy is the best.
(excluding 12 because dragon quest 12 has not been released yet).

Dragon Quest 1 vs Final Fantasy 1,
Dragon Quest 2 vs Final Fantasy 2,
Dragon Quest 3 vs Final Fantasy 3,
Dragon Quest 4 vs Final Fantasy 4,
Dragon Quest 5 vs Final Fantasy 5,
Dragon Quest 6 vs Final Fantasy 6,
Dragon Quest 7 vs Final Fantasy 7,
Dragon Quest 8 vs Final Fantasy 8,
Dragon Quest 9 vs Final Fantasy 9,
Dragon Quest 10 vs Final Fantasy 10 and
Dragon Quest 11 vs Final Fantasy 11.
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Assuming we're going by the original releases, since I haven't played many of the enhanced ports:

FF 1
DQ 2 (both franchises did not exactly have the greatest first sequels - FF 2 is a good SaGa, but a bad FF game)
DQ 3
DQ 4 (this one is close though)
DQ 5
FF 6
DQ 7 (again, kind of close - not a huge fan of either personally)
DQ 8
FF 9
FF 10 (this one goes to FF by default, since I never played the MMO - not a huge fan of FF 10, tbh)
DQ 11 (see above - huge fan of DQ 11 though)

I've got way more nostalgia for Final Fantasy, but overall I'd say Dragon Quest is far more consistent in quality.

That said, every now and then a Final Fantasy game gets released that really just gets it right as all hell.
FF 9 and 6 remain some of my favourite JRPGs ever made, by a large margin - I even replayed them fairly recently and they're still amazing.
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Both Is Good The Road To El Dorado GIF
I only played DQ8 on ps2 and, though I've enjoyed, I've never wished to play other DQs; on the contrary I've played lots of FFs, both main series and spin-off, so for me it's FF ::heart
Dragon Quest 1-2-3 vs Final Fantasy 1-2-3 : FF wins because the first games are much stronger than the DQ early entries, and they also have better remakes.

Dragon Quest 4-5-6 vs Final Fantasy 4-5-6 : I'd say it's a tie because each series is equally great at this point.

Dragon Quest 7 vs Final Fantasy 7 : it's a tie for for a different reason : I've started both games but got bored and couldn't bring myself to go very far in neither of them.

Dragon Quest 8 vs Final Fantasy 8 : DQ wins by a landslide here.

Dragon Quest 9-10 vs Final Fantasy 9-10 : I haven't played any of these games so another tie by default.

Dragon Quest 11 vs Final Fantasy 11 : another undisputable DQ win here, DQ 11 is simply fantastic.

Writing this I can see a trend of the FF series starting stronger but DQ getting better over the years. FF kinda lost its charm along the way while DQ refined its tried-and-true formula, Toriyama's great charadesign helping a lot with giving the series charm and a comfortable sense of familiarity.
Mmm, some Of these are kinda hard to decide but let's see...
Comparing them this way is silly because the games were released at different times. I prefer FF1 over Dragon Quest 1 but FF1 was released around the same time as DQ3 and I prefer DQ3 over FF1 and FF2. Dragon Quest VIII was released after FFX and closer to the release of FFXII. There were five years between the release of FFVIII and DQVIII and there were 9 years between FFIX and DQIX.

Overall though I'd say I tend to prefer the Dragon Quest games these days except for Final Fantasy V. I used to prefer Final Fantasy but I find I've started to prefer the simpler fairy tale style stories of dragon quest over the over the top ridiculous anime stories of Final Fantasy. I aslo prefer turn based combat over whatever final fantasy turned into.
I'd say Final Fantasy has the more consistent hits up till FF11. But when Dragon Quest gets it, it really gets it. Dragon Quest gets kinda samey otherwise but 3, 5, 9 and 11 are stellar. It's hard not to like most Final Fantasies 1 thru 10, even if the games prior to 5 were rough in some ways.

But, if I'm not allowed to sit on the fence? Gun to my head answer is Final Fantasy, much to my dismay these days. >_>
As someone who's played a bunch from both franchises I ain't gonna pick sides, I'm just gonna pretend FF games after XII that aren't World of FF did not happen.
Final Fantasy easily because even the worst FF has 10x the better music of the best Dragon Quest
FF barely has any memorable music, but at least it has some stuff like Battle on the Big Bridge, while I can't remember anything as far as DQ goes.
1. Final Fantasy
2. Dragon Quest
3. Dragon Quest
4. Dragon Quest
5. Final Fantasy
6. Final Fantasy
7. Final Fantasy
8. Dragon Quest
9. Final Fantasy
10. Final Fantasy
11. Dragon Quest

These are my final decisions, but I admit that Final Fantasy III, Dragon Quest VI, VII, and IX are close to being better than the other.
1- FF Wins, the first DQ may made the Genre what is it today, but FF 1 took al the wrong, trimmed it and took the good and polished it

2- FF wins, uncomprehensible and even broken leveling aside in OG Famicom, Dragon Quest II manages to be harder and cheaper than Final Fantasy II can be (The final dungeon has an encounter that can OHKO your party BECAUSE)

3- DQ For a lightyear, the job system is simpler, the grinding is only required for armor and weapons and
the climax revealing another world for the endgame felt better in DQIII only grip is speel learning is randomized

4- DQ, while not as revplutionary as its prequel, the "Meet your party members before they join the party" angle was fine, the plot is the only part that i prefer Final Fantasy IV over Dragon Quest IV

5- A Draw, i enjoyed the high stakes tragedy of DQ V and the self referencial goofiness of FF V, both of them has unique party making options (Job system for FF,
Your son in DQ V
) that make one replay at least worthy

6- FF, no questions asked, DQ Vi is the worst of the second trilogy (in the sense vanilla icecream is the worst flavor of Napolitian icecream) with nonsense plot and clumsy Dual World mechanics, FF on the other hand gives us THE RPG plot, unique characters and the chance to turn the game in its head due to how broken can you get

7- FF, DQ VII may have a unique world restoring plot reflected in gameplay, but execution is clumsy and the game is a drag (ONE HOUR FOR THE FIRST RANDOM ENCOUNTER LIKE WHAT THE ACTUAL (REDACTED)), FF similarly gives us iconic scenes, engaging battle system and great music

8- Another draw, Dragon Quest VIII is easly the best RPG on PS2, age did some harm to its mechanics but 3DS and Smarphone ports has fixed some of them, sadly they haven't fixed the kinda draggy plot, regarding FF VIII, i love the Paper Mario-esque minigames, althought the plot past disk 2... well, i totally agree with the critics claiming it feels confusing, still a good play

9- The third draw, Final Fantasy IX has good ideas, including a plot that delves in my favorite theme: Nihilism, as well and giving play to my favorite class on the franchice in the form of Vivi, gameplay is kinda samey but the plot will keep you glued, DQ IX is also the apex of the saga before XI came along, with customization of characters, the best plot so far with the implication that
this is the very first game chronologically adding a great deal, needles to say, both are great

10- I unironically love X, easly underrated warts and all, i want to say something about DQ X but...sadly is a MMORPG, aside of being a genre i don't touch with a stick, i think is dead legally
DQ wins: 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 11
FF wins: 1, 4, 6, 7, 10

  1. Both were good starts, but FF came later and thus had the chance to figure out how to make a more complex game. DQ1 still deserves credit for getting the JRPG ball rolling.
  2. Both pretty meh entries, but FF2 is frustratingly bad at times.
  3. Both good games with a variant of a class system in them. FF loses this one because of all the weird difficulty ramps and weird quirks of its job system.
  4. Both hold a place in my heart, but FF is more definitive of its series.
  5. The least notable SNES FF vs the most notable SNES DQ.
  6. This is the all-time great FF game. DQ just didn't do enough to keep up.
  7. FF had a tighter story, more originality in gameplay, and more memorable characters. DQ had a slow-paced game with a very quirky job system that you don't get to use until you've been playing for dozens of hours.
  8. One of the best DQ games ever. FF's entry looks boring by comparison.
  9. Both were ambitious, but DQ had the bigger, funner game.
  10. DQ going JP-only MMO was a bad move. I don't like FFX that much, but it wins by default.
  11. Similar to 10, but now FF makes the MMO mistake and DQ puts out an amazing entry.

Both series are great, but they have different advantages. DQ is the consistent series: it doesn't vary as much, but it does great with gradually upgrading itself. FF is the big risk/reward series: The games differ so much that you end up with some amazing games and some really bad games, but the amazing ones can blow away the contemporary DQ games.
I love Both Franchises just fine which both are addictive and fun:P

But let me say something about both the Oirignal NES Versions of Final Fantasy 2 and Dragon Quesr 2/Dragon Warrior 2 though,neither they're original NES/Famicom Releases Aged well and for various Good Reasons which I'll Explain Why:

The Original Nes Version of Final Fantasy II Was extreamly Broken for the wrong reasons which had alot of bugs/Glitches (which suffered a similar issue with the Original NES Version of FF1), and FF II Stat Grinding System was Poorly Unbalanced Which Square soft at the time had extreme difficulty working out the New Stat/Grid Point Battle System,for example,every time you increase your weapon Stat LV,your bound to loose either HP Stat or Magic Stat or the Other way around,and the game didn't have a consistant Map to know where to go,which you'll accidently get ambushed by overpowered monsters,all these issues were later Fixed in the GBA and PSP Remakes.

as for Dragon Quest 2,Ooooooh Boy.......The Original NES Version Was Rushed during development to get it out on time during a deadline,which as a result,the development staff didn't Properally play-Test this version which resulted into Extreamly Rediculous Unbalanced Difficulty to the point where the 2nd half of the game resulted with alot of cheap/Difficult overpowered Monsters which they'll cast spells that'll Ram-Shot your party members/whipe them out in 2 turns,and lets not forget about the rediculous notoriously difficulty of the Cave of Rhone with the Invisible Floors,even getting through this god forsaken hell hole of a dungeon with a Map is still tediouss,because if you make one wrong Move accidently falling into one of the floors,that same hole you fell through doesn't stay,which covers up invisible again, and lets not forget the Whole Sub-plot Mission of trying to find those Crest,which trying to find these damn things (Especially th fire Crest) are damn near impossible to do without a guide or a map,and because of these flaws,made this one of the most difficult games in the franchise with a poorly unbalanced difficulty and gameplay,which good luck trying to beat this game without a nintendo power guide/map. Enix were later aware of these issues and fixed alot of it's flaws with the later SNES And GBC Versions with better balanced difficulty and better useful Magic spells for both Princess of Moonbrooke and Prince of Cannock (which he is notorious for being the worst character in the NES Version and he has become a running gag of constantly dying alot,which there are even official japanese bandai cards/artwork of him having his coffin dragged around by princess of moonbrooke.lol)

But yep,the Later Super Famicom and Game Boy Color Remakes balance it out way better which you get double the Exp and Double the Gold to make the grinding less tedious,but the NES Version was an unfair Brutal Chore to get through,which this version requires massive over grinding if you want to have any chance of surviving any of these dungeons in the game's 2nd half attempting to geet those crest (Especially the Sea Cave!)

and yes,Princess of Moonbrooke is one of my Fav Dragon Quest Characters ^^ along with Veronica from Dragon Quest 11 and Princess alena from Dragon Quest 4: Chapters of the Chosen:P

Moonbrooke 06.jpg
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