I love Both Franchises just fine which both are addictive and fun:P
But let me say something about both the Oirignal NES Versions of Final Fantasy 2 and Dragon Quesr 2/Dragon Warrior 2 though,neither they're original NES/Famicom Releases Aged well and for various Good Reasons which I'll Explain Why:
The Original Nes Version of Final Fantasy II Was extreamly Broken for the wrong reasons which had alot of bugs/Glitches (which suffered a similar issue with the Original NES Version of FF1), and FF II Stat Grinding System was Poorly Unbalanced Which Square soft at the time had extreme difficulty working out the New Stat/Grid Point Battle System,for example,every time you increase your weapon Stat LV,your bound to loose either HP Stat or Magic Stat or the Other way around,and the game didn't have a consistant Map to know where to go,which you'll accidently get ambushed by overpowered monsters,all these issues were later Fixed in the GBA and PSP Remakes.
as for Dragon Quest 2,Ooooooh Boy.......The Original NES Version Was Rushed during development to get it out on time during a deadline,which as a result,the development staff didn't Properally play-Test this version which resulted into Extreamly Rediculous Unbalanced Difficulty to the point where the 2nd half of the game resulted with alot of cheap/Difficult overpowered Monsters which they'll cast spells that'll Ram-Shot your party members/whipe them out in 2 turns,and lets not forget about the rediculous notoriously difficulty of the Cave of Rhone with the Invisible Floors,even getting through this god forsaken hell hole of a dungeon with a Map is still tediouss,because if you make one wrong Move accidently falling into one of the floors,that same hole you fell through doesn't stay,which covers up invisible again, and lets not forget the Whole Sub-plot Mission of trying to find those Crest,which trying to find these damn things (Especially th fire Crest) are damn near impossible to do without a guide or a map,and because of these flaws,made this one of the most difficult games in the franchise with a poorly unbalanced difficulty and gameplay,which good luck trying to beat this game without a nintendo power guide/map. Enix were later aware of these issues and fixed alot of it's flaws with the later SNES And GBC Versions with better balanced difficulty and better useful Magic spells for both Princess of Moonbrooke and Prince of Cannock (which he is notorious for being the worst character in the NES Version and he has become a running gag of constantly dying alot,which there are even official japanese bandai cards/artwork of him having his coffin dragged around by princess of moonbrooke.lol)
But yep,the Later Super Famicom and Game Boy Color Remakes balance it out way better which you get double the Exp and Double the Gold to make the grinding less tedious,but the NES Version was an unfair Brutal Chore to get through,which this version requires massive over grinding if you want to have any chance of surviving any of these dungeons in the game's 2nd half attempting to geet those crest (Especially the Sea Cave!)
and yes,Princess of Moonbrooke is one of my Fav Dragon Quest Characters ^^ along with Veronica from Dragon Quest 11 and Princess alena from Dragon Quest 4: Chapters of the Chosen:P