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DOOM 2 Thread


Eater Of Pizza
Level 2
Dec 1, 2024
Reaction score
Lately i've grown quite bored of Doom 2's base game difficulty. I feel as if it has become far too easy. But it's ridiculous because the entire time i've played Doom 2 it was always on Ultra-Violence. So yesterday. I went through The Slade3 editor and modified the ZDOOM.pk3 file which basically houses the sprites and such. And I modified the Health stats of both the Player character and the Demons. Although the Demons i've modified to be higher [Cyberdemon now has 5000 HP rather than the 4000 HP as it did before] so that it offers more of a challenge. I wanna know your thoughts on this. Do you consider me a Noob for doing this or should I stop playing DOOM 2 for a while and let my skill rust a bit?
Have you considered exploring the Doom Wad scene? There's a ton of high quality stuff like Ancient Aliens, Back to Saturn X, and Eviternity 1 and 2 that provide a higher challenge, or go for Sunlust or Sunder if you really wanna test yourself.
Have you considered exploring the Doom Wad scene? There's a ton of high quality stuff like Ancient Aliens, Back to Saturn X, and Eviternity 1 and 2 that provide a higher challenge, or go for Sunlust or Sunder if you really wanna test yourself.
Sunlust? I've seen that one before. Decino played it! Imma have to look at it!
Do you consider me a Noob for doing this or should I stop playing DOOM 2 for a while and let my skill rust a bit?
Never quit a game just because you feel, somehow, obligated to do so.

That being said, I wish I had your abilities, lmao. Honestly, I still need to take some time to test out a few of the most popular Doom WADs, but I feel it's necessary to mention the famous MyHouse.WAD video that went viral a couple of years ago.

Honestly, I felt compelled to test that out, just given the sheer quality of the video's script alone. What a masterpiece.

Probably a silly question, but have you tried Final DOOM? Both wads, Plutonia and Eviternity, are excellent in their own ways (imo). I think you'd appreciate Plutonia's difficulty - It's a cut above what DOOM II offers. Some people don't like Eviternity because its levels are sparse and sometimes quite unintuitive, but I appreciated them alot.

In terms of custom mods, I'd also strongly recommend No End in Sight, and echo Ranmyakulchi's recommendations, especially Ancient Aliens. ?
If you got to that point, you should star playing wads by the community, normally those are more challeging that the base game with the same quality or even more. You can spend your whole life just playing community content.
Try treasuretech,Rebel Rumble,and lithium are couple of badass yet fun and exciting mods I’d recommend to add a bit more charm to the game
Probably a silly question, but have you tried Final DOOM? Both wads, Plutonia and Eviternity, are excellent in their own ways (imo). I think you'd appreciate Plutonia's difficulty - It's a cut above what DOOM II offers. Some people don't like Eviternity because its levels are sparse and sometimes quite unintuitive, but I appreciated them alot.

In terms of custom mods, I'd also strongly recommend No End in Sight, and echo Ranmyakulchi's recommendations, especially Ancient Aliens. ?
My apologies, but do you mean TNT Evilution as the other half to Plutonia?
My apologies, but do you mean TNT Evilution as the other half to Plutonia?
I definitely meant TNT Evilution yep. Wow I can't believe I named the wrong wad twice haha. Yes TNT Evilution, Plutonia and the Master Levels comprise Final DOOM, and even though TNT Evilution has its nay-sayers I reckon it's still well worth trying.
I definitely meant TNT Evilution yep. Wow I can't believe I named the wrong wad twice haha. Yes TNT Evilution, Plutonia and the Master Levels comprise Final DOOM, and even though TNT Evilution has its nay-sayers I reckon it's still well worth trying.
No worries mate! And i think you're right, TNT Evilution is a good time, and the fan sequels like TNT Revilution are pretty great too!
Have you considered exploring the Doom Wad scene? There's a ton of high quality stuff like Ancient Aliens, Back to Saturn X, and Eviternity 1 and 2 that provide a higher challenge, or go for Sunlust or Sunder if you really wanna test yourself.
Yes, These ones for sure. Straight heat. also try out some slaughter maps like Okuplok. Those are a real challenge.
Lately i've grown quite bored of Doom 2's base game difficulty. I feel as if it has become far too easy. But it's ridiculous because the entire time i've played Doom 2 it was always on Ultra-Violence. So yesterday. I went through The Slade3 editor and modified the ZDOOM.pk3 file which basically houses the sprites and such. And I modified the Health stats of both the Player character and the Demons. Although the Demons i've modified to be higher [Cyberdemon now has 5000 HP rather than the 4000 HP as it did before] so that it offers more of a challenge. I wanna know your thoughts on this. Do you consider me a Noob for doing this or should I stop playing DOOM 2 for a while and let my skill rust a bit?

Lately i've grown quite bored of Doom 2's base game difficulty. I feel as if it has become far too easy. But it's ridiculous because the entire time i've played Doom 2 it was always on Ultra-Violence. So yesterday. I went through The Slade3 editor and modified the ZDOOM.pk3 file which basically houses the sprites and such. And I modified the Health stats of both the Player character and the Demons. Although the Demons i've modified to be higher [Cyberdemon now has 5000 HP rather than the 4000 HP as it did before] so that it offers more of a challenge. I wanna know your thoughts on this. Do you consider me a Noob for doing this or should I stop playing DOOM 2 for a while and let my skill rust a bit?
There's nothing wrong with that. Definitely try Sunlust, though

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