Do you post art online nowadays, or took it offline?


Young Hero
Level 1
Mar 11, 2025
Reaction score
Disclaimer: Not revealing my true identity, due to privacy reasons.

Seems like not so long ago, I could've easily post my art anywhere, perhaps get some notoriety, and make some mutuals.

But nowadays, especially after 2022, with the NFT and then AI fiasco, no matter how hard I try to find an active, artist friendly platform, I eventually snapped and gave up posting online, all together.

I'm still doing my art, in privacy. I have to say, my love for the hobby is rekindling, and my mental health is healing.
Been neglecting my AO3 due to lazyness, and an overall shift in the stories i wanna write. Since i want to distance myself from an old alias.

But, i have been having a lot of fun writing articles and reviews for this forum.
Yeah, I still post my art online.

I'm no professional by any means, and thus I couldn't care less if some AI steals from me. If anything, it means it helps enshittify AI art even further if I forget to click the "NoAI" button on dA. I don't do it for the money. I do it for the endorphins and thus, the fun. And sometimes the endorphins come from peoples' likes and favorites, though I genuinely hope that's just a perk. Let alone honing my skills and making what I want to see, 'cause no one else is gonna do it for me for free.

What can I say? I like sharing.
In my personal time I mostly used to paint or sketch portraits of people around me and so I generally feel like I'd have to ask them for permission first before uploading fotos or scans anywhere, it's their likeness after all. The AI element, as deplorable and distasteful as I find it, is a secondary issue to that.

Though to be honest, my primary reason for not uploading my old art is that I am tremendously shy about it and wouldn't dare to do so.
I probably would not even create characters and make art of them if I would not post it online.

It´s not about the numbers, it´s about the sharing. it´s just a hobby for me after all ::winkfelix
No, I plan to, but no. I used to on Instagram, even on Artfol. Nowadays I only add stuff to my portfolio on ArtStation, but that doesn't really count. I've made a brand new Newgrounds account and I'm eventually planning to release my comic on there, but as of right now with the algorithm stuff and just generally not being consistent with completed pieces besides the ones I have to do for work, I just don't post. No deep story to be honest, just kind of a whatever thing.
I upload my finished stuff on Newgrounds, have been for ages.
It’s the best creative platform by far because it’s all about expression.
I very scarcely post any art that I've done outside of Miiverse, if not for the case of site lurkers that steal art to shamelessly post on an art theft website where they crop the artist signatures out of. I'll just post art when I feel like it honestly, and it's why I focus more of posting my own caricature art than anything else.
Not exactly no. Then again, my art didn't improve too much since middle school since didn't feel like posting it online during my teenage years. I also didn't back up any of my drawings (I was ashamed of how bad they looked ofc) and they ended up being thrown away by someone who wasn't me.

Around the time AI art became a thing, I was already depressed from other things which prevented me from drawing again. But this time, I've decided to pick up a pencil again. :) Also I lost drawings on my mom's iPad too lmao. I do have one Kuriboh drawing though that I managed to save, idk if it's worth posting here. (I started sketching kamen rider characters too, so that's also helped me start drawing again too)
Sometimes I post my five-year-old "art" only here.

Most of my drawings or writings are in privite, under my mustache.

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