Do you ever sleeptalk?

My Sister does when we were kids... Never been able to walk a all on my own since birth though... Always wondered what they're dreaming about... must be extremely vivid to warrant a stroll.::peek
as i was sleeping one time as a kid, all of a sudden i lifted my entire top half of my body off of my bed, then just crashed back down on it. my mom was there, and saw the whole thing. really freaked her out. she told me about it later. had no clue.
I don't, but the only time I seem to have done so was when I was sleeping at my ex's and I just blurted the full login to my email (account and password) out loud lol
I mainly quote memes I've seen when I'm asleep, as told by some ppl I had sleepovers with lmao

I also keep greeting or talk about idle stuff, I think my dad recorded it one day
Not sleeptalking per say but my family told me about the time I got super angry that they waked me up , strangely I don't remember any of it
My brother used to drive cars in his dreams before he was old enough to drive. He would be turning an imaginary steering wheel and talking about the traffic. I thought it was hilarious.
I do. Been told I do. Was told by my friends and even an EX once. First two I don't remember the dream when I woke up. Third one I did, and was like "WTFFFFFF..."
"Don't flush the toilet! DON'T DO IT! NO! Godzilla will know where we are! I SAID NO, YOU SONNOFABITCH!"
"Hitler came back! He's fighting flying purple octopuses in North Korea!"
"Get that vampire mother fucker! Get 'em!" This one, I'd dreamed Ana DeArmas dressed as Red Sonya fighting Danny McBride as Dracula. She was swinging that Barbarian sword all bad ass, he had fancy fencing sword and could barely keep up with her, Dracula going "Shit! Damn it! Shit! Fuck, stop it!" Woke up before fight concluded, thinking what the hell just happened?
Apparently I do! My girlfriend keeps telling me abt it, I'm a pretty sound sleeper so I'm never aware of it. Usually it's just sounds and a couple mumbles though, not anything fully coherent. Apparently I twitch a lot too
I've been told I hold sleep conversations with whomever is in the room at the time.

One time, I woke up to my then-boyfriend fuming at me for seemingly no reason. After some apologetic coaxing, he told me that I had "woken up" in the middle of the night to rant about how much he sucks at Spelunky HD and that the only way we were going to win at co-op is if he let me carry his character (in the literal and metaphorical sense).

I don't remember any of it ::sadkirby

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