Replaying this game felt great and all but it definitely doesn't seem to hold up great as it's future titles.
DMC1 was, let's say, the bones of the entire franchise and also where it became peak with it's awesome combat and lovable protagonist Dante.
For the most part, the graphics for the game doesn't look bad, Dante looks great, Trish is a big idk, and it certainly definitely has charm. Same goes with the soundtrack and ambience in this game. Like any DMC game, it didn't disappoint with it's soundtrack, my personal favorite being Swearing On My Father's Name.
But then you realize that the game was formerly an RE title and you're forced into Platforming sections where you just wanna yeet yourself off the room. No joke when I say, the entire game has one of the most shittiest platforming I've ever seen. Just getting Ifrit alone doesn't feel so rewarding, the camera angles don't help as well. Sometimes it'd be a father to you by looking at the opposite direction and leaving you alone as Marionettes begin to body you off screen. Almost every enemy in the games are not fun to fight, some have their gimmick of being a big bitch to your playthrough. Death Scissors lock you up in a hallway only for them to vasectomies Dante in the sewers because you couldn't move from the most claustrophobic sewers in the entire franchise. Blades have the tendency to give a very great greeting of jumping right at your face and doing a Shoryuken when you're not paying attention.
Bossess are somewhat decent and horrible to deal with at the same time. Phantom is a good skill checker, BUT NOT WHEN YOU'RE RUNNING AWAY FROM HIM IN THE MOST TIGHTEST HALLWAY POSSIBLE. Shadow had a great gimmick, if they only told you how to godforsaken beat him. Nightmare is a different story because he is n abomination hellbent on combining two things in the worst possible way Puzzle and Boss Fights. Accompanied with horrible camera, who wouldn't die from him? The only fights that were deemed worth my time is Nelo Angelo who at least does something NOT frustrating.
The dialogue also shows it's age. Do I need to explain?
“Going to fill your dark soul with LiiiiiiiGhTTTtt~~~”
They sound sorta cheesy and less impactful. But thankfully it happens near the end of the story. After they flew out of the island with a plane, seriously. There are seriously crumbs of it's RE self everywhere and I can't help but laugh at it. Even some of the community consider DMC1 as the survival horror game of the franchise.