**Once again, big thanks to “Launchbox” and "The Cover Project" for being such helpful resources during this**
Hello again esteemed gamers,
In this post, I’m diving into my least favorite video game covers—ones that failed to sell the game, looked like an afterthought, or just didn’t do justice to the experience inside. Let me know if you agree or if you have some contenders of your own!
Anyways, let's get into it
Hello again esteemed gamers,
In this post, I’m diving into my least favorite video game covers—ones that failed to sell the game, looked like an afterthought, or just didn’t do justice to the experience inside. Let me know if you agree or if you have some contenders of your own!
Anyways, let's get into it
- Tekken 2 - PS1
- Mega Man - NES
Pardon me whilst I vomit blood at the sight of that medical marvel. The fact that they passed that off as a person is commendable. I heard once, that it was drawn by a child… that child should be tried at the Hague for crimes against humanity.
- Bust-A-Move 4 - Dreamcast
Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww I wanna punt that gross reptile thing into the stratosphere.
- World Championship Poker - Wii
I hate that smarmy jackass on the left, he just makes me want to buy this game so that I can beat him in it, mail this dickhead my score/proof, and then burn the game.
- Painkiller: Hell and Damnation - PS3
It’s so fucking bland, they could’ve hired an angsty 11th grade bass guitar player from a high school slam metal band named “Infant Homicide” to sketch something up and it would’ve looked better than this.
- Red Dead Redemption 2 - PS4/PS5/PC
The colors are off and Arthur just looks like a constipated Clint Eastwood. I actually don’t really have anything witty for this one! Great game, the cover's just a bit of a swing and miss in my opinion.
- Alone in The Dark - Wii
He looks like he’s about to commit a mass shooting, someone get that gun away from him. This is the only cover for this game, where the word “inferno” isn’t covering the gun, and to compensate for it looking semi-good, they decided to remove all of the color from the background! Wouldn’t want you getting an idea of what your environment is, right?
- Fester’s Quest
Yeah… I shouldn’t really have to explain why I dislike this one so much, but in case you’re colorblind or just regular blind: Fester’s big, ugly head. I saw this in an Angry Video Game Nerd episode and it stuck with me ever since. Something about the weird eyes and the pale white face, it’s got the same unsettling qualities as a Goosebumps book had as a kid, but... ya know, as an adult.