I thought about how you don’t really see these types of games be advertised or even mention at all.
When I read this line, my eyes just about popped out of my head! These games are friggin' everywhere nowadays, and I'd argue that they're actually more popular than ever – everyone was talking about the TokiMemo remake when it was announced on that Japanese Nintendo Direct, and they were also talking about that
Date Everything Switch game that the equivalent English Direct announced at the same time.
And that's just Nintendo! Think of how many Japanese-influenced American indie games include references to dating sims, nowadays – they're everywhere, and I'm pretty sure anyone with even a cursory knowledge of the gaming scene is aware of them. And they're getting translated (probably poorly) all the time, too – remember the whole Muv-Luv translation that happened recently? And then that YU-NO anime series just came out a few years ago...
That all said, I think the modern incarnation of "traditional Japanese-developed dating sims" are all either A) straight-up pornographic PC games or B) mobile games aimed at late-20s/early-30s women, of which the iOS App Store is rife. I'm not really au fait with any dating sim (aside from
May Club <3), but even an ignorant lummox like me knows that games where you "date" fictional characters are probably bigger than they've ever been.
As someone who isn't a fan of this genre, I'm not sure what could draw me into it beyond generally well-written characters, which are anathema to most dating sim games (by design). Every generation beyond Gen-X seems to have lost the ability to perceive legitimate romance, let alone write fiction about it.