Creative Writing Central


Mostly Harmless
Writers Guild
Level 4
Jan 31, 2025
Reaction score
This has nothing to do with the writers guild, its about the hobby itself.

Since creative writing is one of my other hobbies, i am interested on seeing what other people who are into it, like doing, since artists have their thread, let us writers have our own as well, btw, no i won't be telling my AO3, i like to keep my personas separate.

So, do you like Creative Writing? What kind of stories do you write? Don't worry i count fanfiction as creative writing as well, is there any project you wanna share about? Any fun tales you got about your writing process? Feel free to discuss anything related to this wonderful hobby.

Perhaps you are interested in advice, perhaps you want to start your own journey, everyone is welcomed, from dabblers, to grizzled veterans, even newbies.​

So might as well do what i love most, talk about myself, if you have read my articles and reviews, you pretty much have a good idea as to how i write, as it is a style i use in everything i write, from creative writing, to journals, and essays. Which is to be clear, concise, and to the point, add some humor and puns into the mix, and that's the Libero Vulpes style.

As for the kind of stories i like to write, well i usually go for slice of life, or romcoms, mostly Light Novels in Fantasy settings, i am usually more focused on characters rather than the world itself, and i am a Discovery Writer, which means that i work with little to no planning and just go with vibes until the end, its more fun to let things happen spontaneously, and i am very gung ho so i work with almost no drafts cause YOLO.​
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I love creative writing, and I have actually entered some of my pieces to contests (the skill is now an official sport on my province, and I wish it was when I was a kid). I really like creating my own worlds and characters, but I'm not particularly good at keeping track of them.
In years of doing it on and off, I only managed to finish one very short Mega Man fanfic.
Don't be so harsh on yourself, the fact you finished a story is a big accomplishment, no matter if its short, what's important is that you did it.
I'm not particularly good at keeping track of them.
Same, Obsidian is a god sent on helping me keep everything organized.
Mine was kinda like some cliché you’ve red or watch. Nomatter how boring it may seem most of the times it always lead me into ranting how much of a pain in the neck those fictional protagonists are. That’s why I just leave to the pros and just enjoy reading their pieces.
I used to write short mythos inspired horror stories. I haven't done for a few years though.
Nothing recently has impressed me in my writing. though reading some of my old stuff I feel that it was better than anything I could even attempt now. As if any capacity for creative formulation had deserted me at last. Now I usually just stick to writing story outlines in my commonplace book (A thing Lovecraft used to do.) and being content with only that.
So, here is how i got inspired to start writing when i was younger.

It was through anime actually, 2 series specifically, True Tears and Ef A Tale of Memories (this anime and its sequel actually changed my life, but that's a different story).

In True Tears the main character is a guy who wants to write, but his parents of course want him to inherit the family business, and what makes him finally say "i will do it, i want to write" is that all that he wanted was to tell a good story, a simple story about a rooster wanting to fly, and just like that rooster, he too wanted to spread his wings, and... Can relate.

In Ef A tale of Memories, one of the stories, follows a girl who has problems with her memory, at the end of the day, she forgets everything that happened in the day, so she keeps a little diary, thing is, she wants to write a little story, and a guy she meets decides to help her, in the story, she uses prose to deal with her own problems, and even serves as therapy, which at the time i thought "Wow, writing can do that?"

And just like that, i started to write my own little stories. Its probably not that glamorous, nor amazing, but its special to me, and that's what your stories should be, special to you.

See, i even wrote a short story about it in 5 minutes with a moral and all, which is a true story too, you can do it too, just have fun.​
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I write comic books, I've written a few but they never saw the light of day. I just think they were subpar, not really worth working on. Once you write a comic book, drawing it is a whole different beast, if the writing isn't that great to me then I just don't see the reason to draw it.
I've written two now and I'm drawing one though! Hopefully I'll have something out this year, it just takes a while...
What do I write? Things that mean something to me, and I'm sure many others. I like to write fights and action a lot but I want to have a lot of interpersonal relationships between my characters, things that make them seem human. Human nature is kind of beautiful. Now, am I good at it? Probably not, I'm still a noob honestly even after all these years but I'm sure as time goes on I'll be able to learn new things and become better. Of course though for that to happen I should probably put something out there for the world to see and judge, once I see criticism I can work on it.
I wrote a lot as a kid but never really got back into it as a teenager or adult, I do like to write down random ideas for stories from time to time and I have friends who enjoy it that I like to pitch in sometimes.

That said, writing is gay, I mean, go skateboard or something? /j
My issue is I can never stay on just one project at a time, I'm far too creatively scatterbrained. I mainly write horror and fantasy, but most of them are still in just the outline stage which is my other curse; actually finishing something. I've tried some other genres too, mainly some romance (weirdly enough, despite being probably one of the least romantic people in my personal life, I actually enjoy writing it), weird west horror, and my latest brainstorming session was an absurdist comedy satire about an editor in a Hollywood studio who becomes aware all his bosses are satanic energy vampires, and thinks they're making everyone too stupid to resist through ritual magic when it's just because they're all actually just dumb (spoilers).

I've also done a good amount of work on a CYOA book, need to plan out the routes still and actually write the passages. I also did an outline on another combining romance into it, after I played that HeartQuest book for that article a little bit ago.

I've also been working on two TTRPGs. That's not necessarily creative writing in a narrative sense, but is where a lot of time and effort goes into. The mech one were purposefully keeping as lore-open as possible other than the setting, while the Kung Fu fantasy one I'm working on I have a few setting ideas with races and overall world ideas.

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