Changing taste with age


New Challenger
Dec 1, 2024
Reaction score
As I get older, I'm finding it more and more difficult to settle into games. This is extremely common, I'm aware, but I seem to have the opposite issue of others. I've played a lot of games. It was always my biggest pastime, but I've also read a lot of books, and watched a ton of film. These two other hobbies spoiled me. Where I used to enjoy a plethora of games, ever since really delving into the other two, any story focused game is basically out the window, as they never hold a candle to the other mediums that simply do story better.

Now I get it, that's a contentious thing to say. There seem to be a large group of people online across the various sites that think games are potentially the best medium for telling a story, and I don't disagree that they have a ton of unmet potential, but it's just that; unmet. It's not to say that every single game out there has a terrible story, or terrible writing, but when I sit down to play a game, I can no longer force myself to even give these stories a chance.

I used to love JRPGs as a kid and teenager. There's a part of me that still has a nostalgic draw to them. I remember warm Summer nights, playing Final Fantasy VII when no one else was awake, and I yearn for that experience, but now, even though I wish I could love them again, I just can't.

These days, I'm kind of stuck. I eventually wound my way around to Devil May Cry 3 in about 2007 and that was really the beginning of this slow crawl towards my narrowed tastes of today. Devil May Cry 3, led to 4, which led to Bayonetta. I found Monster Hunter sometime around then, too. These games became my core, and since then, it's been more and more difficult to find something that truly matches these few. More recently, games like Nioh, especially the second, filled that gap a bit. I NEED depth. I NEED challenge, and gaming has been trending away from challenging the player for quite a long time. (I should have mentioned Ninja Gaiden Black in there too, but I'm not gonna edit it to include it properly.)

I've recently been trying to just make myself sit down and focus on games outside of the challenging wheelhouse. My eyes get heavy, I literally start to fall asleep. I wish I could keep myself invested, but most games don't induce a flow state in me anymore as there's just no challenge.

In a way, I've done this to myself. As I watched more films, or read more books, the same thing happened, but thankfully with reading, there's hundreds of years of books to delve into, but gaming, not so much.

Nowadays, I spend a lot of time parsing through games, looking for those few that hook me, and it does happen from time to time. Sometimes, a game like Genji on PS2 will come along and I can play it through it one sitting. Or something like Parasite Eve, which I missed completely until a few years back. But, ultimately, I'm always searching before falling back to my favorites on repeat. Even nostalgia isn't strong enough to keep most games I played as a kid afloat.

How's it gone for you? Do you find yourself struggling to find games, or are you more open minded than ever?
It's a natural outcome of getting older, I feel. Most people have more responsibly, less time, and more options due to income or resources, so it's somewhat normal to become a bit pickier with what you choose to devote your attention to.
I sometime struggle to stick with something if it doesn't immediately hook me due to knowing I have a ton of other things I could be playing and only so much time to do so. Ironically, stepping out of my comfort zone helps for me, as I'm more likely to experience something novel in a genre I'm less familiar with.
We’ve built up a tolerance to our entertainment because we’re experienced so much over time. I’m definitely harder to please and it sounds like you are as well.

As a kid I’d sit wide eyed in front of any game and take in the story. Now i hate when a game lore dumps at the beginning and feel I can’t care about anything until the game has demonstrated enough to hold my attention.

I try really hard to give new things a chance. Do I always succeed? Not at all. Sometimes it takes me 2-5 attempts over years to get through the first hours of a game I’ve never played before
Maybe it's just time to take a break from gaming, there's nothing saying you have to play regularly. I haven't had the issue you are contending with because I just like seeing what's out there, so I'll try almost anything. If it turns out that I bounce off it an hour later and never play it again, that's ok. I don't consider the time wasted or the experience bad, because at least now I know. That may not be entertaining to other people and that's fine too.

That said, if you just want a difficult game, try out Dead Cells. You can't unlock the last difficulty until you beat the earlier ones, but Dead Cells on the hardest difficulty is no joke.
Maybe it's just time to take a break from gaming, there's nothing saying you have to play regularly. I haven't had the issue you are contending with because I just like seeing what's out there, so I'll try almost anything. If it turns out that I bounce off it an hour later and never play it again, that's ok. I don't consider the time wasted or the experience bad, because at least now I know. That may not be entertaining to other people and that's fine too.

That said, if you just want a difficult game, try out Dead Cells. You can't unlock the last difficulty until you beat the earlier ones, but Dead Cells on the hardest difficulty is no joke.
I've actually taken long periods of time off, and it definitely does help to some degree. I think it's good for any hobby, for sure. I used to get quite annoyed that I couldn't find anything that stuck with me, but over the past couple of years, I just kinda shrug and go play one of my staples for a while.

I've played quite a bit of Dead Cells, definitely a good game. Only issue I have with it is that I don't like randomization, and often dislike stats in general in action games. That's my problem, nothing to do with the game itself. If there's a "big name" difficult game, I've likely played it to some degree.

As Ranmyakulchi mentioned, the adult resources definitely made it easier to try just about anything.

We’ve built up a tolerance to our entertainment because we’re experienced so much over time. I’m definitely harder to please and it sounds like you are as well.

As a kid I’d sit wide eyed in front of any game and take in the story. Now i hate when a game lore dumps at the beginning and feel I can’t care about anything until the game has demonstrated enough to hold my attention.

I try really hard to give new things a chance. Do I always succeed? Not at all. Sometimes it takes me 2-5 attempts over years to get through the first hours of a game I’ve never played before
I've definitely got a high tolerance to entertainment in general. I was the same with just about every game as a kid. We were regulars at the rental store in town, and I don't think I ever disliked a single game we rented back then.

I was the same with just about every game as a kid. We were regulars at the rental store in town, and I don't think I ever disliked a single game we rented back then.
This is so true. You had me reminiscing about that. I had my mom rent me Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue for the n64 many times and I LOVED it. I won’t play it for free off the repo now
This is so true. You had me reminiscing about that. I had my mom rent me Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue for the n64 many times and I LOVED it. I won’t play it for free off the repo now
Quest 64 and Yoshi's Story are the two that leap out to me that we rented. Quest 64 might be one of the worst things I've ever liked, in any medium.
I find the opposite is true for me. When I was younger I was a lot more picky on what games I would try. I just had a lower attention span back then, I wouldn't even give turn based RPGs a chance. Now I just have a lot more passion for the medium and will pretty much give anything a try. 12 year old me would have never sat down and played a 100 hour RPG. Plus I rarely touch books and movies now so games are my main form of entertainment.
Quest 64 and Yoshi's Story are the two that leap out to me that we rented. Quest 64 might be one of the worst things I've ever liked, in any medium.
I have a soft spot for Quest 64 out of nostalgia but yeah it’s quite terrible lol. For everyone who rented that and regrets it I totally understand. The n64 really whiffed on the traditional jrpg unless I’m forgetting something
I find the opposite is true for me. When I was younger I was a lot more picky on what games I would try. I just had a lower attention span back then, I wouldn't even give turn based RPGs a chance. Now I just have a lot more passion for the medium and will pretty much give anything a try. 12 year old me would have never sat down and played a 100 hour RPG. Plus I rarely touch books and movies now so games are my main form of entertainment.
I've heard a couple of people say this. I admit, I'm jealous. I'm wondering if it isn't the fact that I played all of those games as a kid and we simply inevitably shift to some degree. I've been playing non-kart racing games lately, something I never liked before, and now find myself addicted to. I still need games to be arcade-like, instantly challenging, but the scope of challenge has changed quite a bit.

I have a soft spot for Quest 64 out of nostalgia but yeah it’s quite terrible lol. For everyone who rented that and regrets it I totally understand. The n64 really whiffed on the traditional jrpg unless I’m forgetting something
Even though I think it's a bad game, I do think it has a lot of charm to it. It's a real enigma.
I find the opposite is true for me. When I was younger I was a lot more picky on what games I would try. I just had a lower attention span back then, I wouldn't even give turn based RPGs a chance. Now I just have a lot more passion for the medium and will pretty much give anything a try. 12 year old me would have never sat down and played a 100 hour RPG. Plus I rarely touch books and movies now so games are my main form of entertainment.
Yeah, I had a pretty big bias against turn based RPGs as a kid too, as my sugar-addled brain couldn't understand the appeal of reading or not having instant stimulation. Now I adore them, Turn based Strategy especially. I'll give anything a fair shake.
In my case when I was younger I used to only play things with good scores and I ignored things like Senran Kagura and Neptunia, now I love that franchises and I always get curious with every type of game both good and bad ones, so now I read a lot of articles. In the end, the older I get, the more curious I become.
When i was a little snot
I was a pure girl
a rose like a rose like a rose like rose like a rose,
or something along those lines.

Then i grew up
now a have bills to pay
a boobs to maintain,
games were a dream long time ago
now they are a dream too;
more like a "woke" nightmare (?)


I remember explicitly turning 10 and then i couldn't stand pepperoni anymore...

Then when i moved out on my own i suddenly liked oatmeal a lot more.

Then in the last N years (since 2017) sugar and sweets are less wanted and i want oily and fatty and salty foods more. (Like grilled chicken, Miso, stews, not junk food)
Now that I think about it, my taste don't change much from when I was young, if ever. Never been picky about genre either, of course I have my preferences on certain thing but in the end of the day as long as it's fun, I'm down.
That's normal. You just get used to know more about yourself and the things that click.
About hard games, most of the ones you cited were action games maybe trying something hard in a different way, like maybe Fear and Hunger, where it's challenging in a different way in a different genre?
Me though, I have broad tastes and try to give anything a try if it interest me but nowadays there's so much interesting stuff coming out that I just leave to feel if I want to try something.
Like: Oh this video talking about this Game/Anime was good -> I'm gonna watch/play that
Because if not, I just end up scrolling endlessly looking for something and even when I try my mind just fills of thoughts of stoping and try other things that might click right away but never do. I kinda just have to stop these thoughts and let the media in front of me breathe and give it time.

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