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Rod Serling had a Radio Drama called Zero Hour:
Here is Radio Drama Site:
You could also look up Radio Dramas on Youtube, since there are ones on there. Archive org.
As for Audio Separation. Could try sites like this:
Or look up how to do it in Audio or Editing Programs like Audacity. Might could try asking people on Twitter or any other Social Media Outlet. Along with sharing the Castlevania Radio Drama, for more exposure. I'd seen some on this Website do music. Could ask around here... Or look up the audio tracks for the Drama and Dub over it.
You could even try to make a Radio Drama & Soap Opera Thread, since both are related. Or maybe just Radio Drama. Since folk seem to have Interest in it. Even inspire others here to create their own, written or audio. To then even go out and inspire others, and so on. Don't know if Radio Dramas are really known like that, and if are, then talked about.
I say since there are a lot of Video People on Youtube, like Rdcworld1 for example. They and others like them, since they have plenty of people in their reach, could benefit by making Soap Operas. Lot of people like Anime and Anime is basically Soap Opera-esc or just That. Though soap opera logic is worse than anime's. Soap Operas are basically Live Action Anime. Just like Law & Order, The Wire, Breaking Bad, House M.D, Master Of Horror that had Norman Reedus, and more. Having more be aware of stuff like Radio Dramas and such, could bring about more Creativity.
What are your and others who read this, thoughts on this?