I could've put this in the "Nintendo" section, or made it a post about Castlevania in general, but I just wanted to talk about this game specifically as I've often heard it get a bad rep, like it being a really bad first 3D entry. I guess in more "recent" times it also didn't help that Angry Video Game Nerd did a less than flattering episode on it. But I have now (via emulation because a physical cartridge is expensive) made it a fair bit into the first out of the game's four scenarios, and I really like it so far. It's thematic, its just colorful enough to stand out and with a decent variety in locations, and the gameplay ain't half bad either.
I have made it a habit to constantly hold the Z-button which keeps the camera following faithfully behind you. Your character locks on to the nearest enemy as long as you are facing them, and if you want to climb a platform (which there is a lot of) you more or less just have to strafe the edge after which your character with snap to it like a magnet as long as you hold det action button. Making it like a more forgiving Tomb Raider.
Most of the time whatever music is there is just for ambience, but every now and then a pretty chill tracks kicks in. I also like the story and the cinematic presentation for its time.
I hear Legacy is a re-release of Castlevania 64 with a lot of initially cut content restored, which is why I went with that version.
I have made it a habit to constantly hold the Z-button which keeps the camera following faithfully behind you. Your character locks on to the nearest enemy as long as you are facing them, and if you want to climb a platform (which there is a lot of) you more or less just have to strafe the edge after which your character with snap to it like a magnet as long as you hold det action button. Making it like a more forgiving Tomb Raider.
Most of the time whatever music is there is just for ambience, but every now and then a pretty chill tracks kicks in. I also like the story and the cinematic presentation for its time.
I hear Legacy is a re-release of Castlevania 64 with a lot of initially cut content restored, which is why I went with that version.