Card games on RGT!


Paladin Knight
Level 1
Dec 15, 2024
Reaction score
A generalist thread for Trading card games. I prefer MTG, but I also dabbled in YGO as well.

In magic, before I moved I had a local spot like a few blocks away, so I played a lot of EDH, leading to my silly Decks.
Like some Simic Dragons Evil Hydra production lines And my want to play some airplanes in card games.

In YGO I found the Airplanes I want to play in cards, it's just that Mecha Phantom beast need help. I know conventionally you use Speedroids to help, but I used WIndwitch, as I am a sucker for Pilot Waifus.

THis threadi s open for any TCG, or even TCG games like Arena, Master Duel and the pokemon one that isn't on the GBC.
I've played MTG too. More of a midrange value/control guy myself. I like having options at every point in the game.
As a MTG fan, i feel like WotC has really dropped the ball on card games. Pokemon isnt far behind - they didnt even bother releasing the 2nd TCG game for the GBC outside of Japan. But YuGiOh just cranks them out left and right, theres so many i cant even name them all.
Back around high school or just after, I played MTG at the shop in town constantly. Stopped shortly after Mirrodin (which was great fun), since my Standard Psychotog was fully out of rotation and I wasn't exactly flush with money for new cards.
i saw the title of the thread and immediately though of "CARD GAMES ON MOTORCYCLES!!!!"
i played some yugioh with a few friends in school; but that stopped after high school. i want to play some of the yugioh forbidden memories mods, but i can't get the regular game to run on my psx emulator.
I just recently bought a ton of .hack//enemy cards, because I am a sucker for collectibles and I recently took a huge deep dive back into .hack because someone made a thread here about .hack//Fragment being playable and online and it sent me down a rabbit hole!
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i saw the title of the thread and immediately though of "CARD GAMES ON MOTORCYCLES!!!!"
i played some yugioh with a few friends in school; but that stopped after high school. i want to play some of the yugioh forbidden memories mods, but i can't get the regular game to run on my psx emulator.
I did that on purpose!
I just recently bought a ton of .hack//enemy cards, because I am a sucker for collectibles and I recently took a huge deep dive back into .hack because someone made a thread here about .hack//Fragment being playable and online and it sent me down a rabbit hole!
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View attachment 23723
I still ahve my .hack enemy decks form High School! I need to check and see if I can get more.
I did that on purpose!

I still ahve my .hack enemy decks form High School! I need to check and see if I can get more.
I'm jealous. So here's the scoop on recent cards, apparently Ollies (A wholesale store) has bought a ton of these cards, so you might find em there. I got mine off of amazon though

edit: Wholesale store in the US
I'm jealous. So here's the scoop on recent cards, apparently Ollies (A wholesale store) has bought a ton of these cards, so you might find em there. I got mine off of amazon though

edit: Wholesale store in the US
the Ollies near me didn;t have it. Maybe I should get my hazard suit and delve ebay?
the Ollies near me didn;t have it. Maybe I should get my hazard suit and delve ebay?
Ebay might be the best choice. Recently I was trying to get Resident Evil: Dead Aim. It's 800 dollars on amazon. But I found a dude on ebay selling it for 50 bucks. Granted--That shit hasn't arrived yet. So I can't vouch for the validity one hundred percent haha. But yeah, maybe. But I can guarantee that there are some on amazon
The unenlightened masses: Yu-gi-oh, Magic- Pokemon TGC...

Me an intellectual:


Jokes aside, i loved these as a kid, they sold them in a magazine outpost near my house and they were cheap (each pack had 10 cards per 10$, per comparision in the cheapest comic store nearest me a Yu Gi Oh pack had ten... at 36$) not only that, Huevocartoon were popular in that era's internet, so they sold like hot bread, i have to say... i was as bad at the game as with regular Yu Gi Oh, but fun was guaranteed
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can you imagine investing in cardboard that will probably eventually get banned sooner or later? fucking ygo players

also i was reminded about the youkai watch cards when i went digging. these were used on the arcade machine to be brought to life and play (scummy) battles with them. i was a tad bit old for youkai watch at the time but that game and the collecting had pulled me like the sucker i was
I'm an outlier, but I like when card games/board games go digital. I don't enjoy playing with physical cards. I had some contact with MtG in the past but never really liked it. YGO I have more familiarity with, but what I'd really enjoy playing a complete digital version of more than anything would be Netrunner.
I miss physical card games and I've been meaning to get into one again. My favs to play have been the Final Fantasy TCG (which is kinda RIP in the states) and the Transformers TCG (also RIP). Digimon is also cool but there isn't much of a local scene where I now live so continuing to buy cards felt kinda pointless.
I am HUGE into Yu-Gi-Oh, who would've guessed? I also play MTG but not nearly as much. If anyone's interested in some rogue/fun YGO deck you can PM me, I've got quite a few lists. You can also check me out on YGOProDeck, although I don't upload my lists there consistently. I also have an Instagram where I post my cards @destinyduelist
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Oh and, forgot to mention, who remembers Duel Masters? Wizards answer to the Yu-Gi-Oh boom and their attempt to get a younger generation into MTG, it flopped miserably overseas but it's still huge in Japan, got this from a manga magazine promo last year. The picture doesn't do it justice, it has a 20th anniversary promo foil all over it, that stamp you see is the foiling for the entire card, it's quite unique.

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the Ollies near me didn;t have it. Maybe I should get my hazard suit and delve ebay?
TCGPlayer, if you're in the USA always use TCGPlayer, if you're in Europe use CardMarket. I never buy off of eBay, even for collectors cards they overprice them 9/10 times. TCGPlayer and CardMarket keep track of prices and tell you what sold for how much and how often it sells for, people are forced to follow the market trend instead of charge absurd amount of money for something that's not worth it.
Although there are some cases where eBay might land you a steal but its pretty rare in my experience
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I've played a little of the 3 "main" ones, and while I liked MTG the most out of them, I didn't stick with it for very long. I got into the Digimon TCG a while ago (the game is really fun!) but had to stop because money was short and ended up never coming back to it. Now I'm waiting for the Gundam TCG to launch because it's (apparently) similar to the Digimon one and I can't resist those sexy metal machines
Ebay might be the best choice. Recently I was trying to get Resident Evil: Dead Aim. It's 800 dollars on amazon. But I found a dude on ebay selling it for 50 bucks. Granted--That shit hasn't arrived yet. So I can't vouch for the validity one hundred percent haha. But yeah, maybe. But I can guarantee that there are some on amazon
Thinking of RE, I still wish I could afford the RE Deck building game.
I have played MTG since 2007ish. Over time I still enjoy playing with my friends and brewing decks, but enjoy the game less and less. It's one of Hasbro's only profitable IPs, so they are putting out WAY too much low-effort product and the game is getting worse. I'm not huge on the lore, it's just clear they aren't trying anymore and it's frustrating. Several of the past few sets have been "hat sets": there was one where everyone was suddenly a detective, one where they were suddenly outlaws and cowboys, one that was nothing but 80s horror references, and now there's one that is filled with racing puns and references. Which I guess would be fine, if it wasn't coming out of nowhere in a game that's almost always been about fantasy. I think even that would be fine too, but the card quality keeps getting worse, they charge more and more money for packs, and now there are less packs in a box. And there's about twice as many sets a year as there used to be, so for the people trying to collect cards that hold value(not me), most things are almost worthless except for the really busted cards and rare variants of cards that are only found in 30 dollar booster packs.

Oddly enough, they put far more effort into sets utilizing other IPs. Fallout, Lord of the Rings, Doctor Who and Warhammer all seem to be pretty good, and there's a Final Fantasy set coming out soon, so that could be neat. I hope they are pulling in new players, and that people enjoy it, I just can't find myself caring beyond hoovering up really cheap reprints of cards and the occasional Commander deck.
I have played MTG since 2007ish. Over time I still enjoy playing with my friends and brewing decks, but enjoy the game less and less. It's one of Hasbro's only profitable IPs, so they are putting out WAY too much low-effort product and the game is getting worse. I'm not huge on the lore, it's just clear they aren't trying anymore and it's frustrating. Several of the past few sets have been "hat sets": there was one where everyone was suddenly a detective, one where they were suddenly outlaws and cowboys, one that was nothing but 80s horror references, and now there's one that is filled with racing puns and references. Which I guess would be fine, if it wasn't coming out of nowhere in a game that's almost always been about fantasy. I think even that would be fine too, but the card quality keeps getting worse, they charge more and more money for packs, and now there are less packs in a box. And there's about twice as many sets a year as there used to be, so for the people trying to collect cards that hold value(not me), most things are almost worthless except for the really busted cards and rare variants of cards that are only found in 30 dollar booster packs.

Also, they are trying to kill the unique characters by introducing IP soup from other franchises. There are marvel sets, final fantasy sets, fallout, dr. who, walking dead, lord of the rings, whatever. The actual Magic IP has been so devalued at this point, I don't think it can recover. Who's going to give a shit about Urza, Teferi or Jace, when Iron Man, the Hulk or Sepiroth are around?

You know, I've been thinking of writing an article about the enshitification/fortniteification of gaming because it is so pervasive at this point, it is getting gross.
That's true. Maybe it's for the best, as bad as it is. If they can't write decent characters, they may as well lean on other IPs. Aetherdrift is god-awful, but even before that all they had for ideas was Planeswalkers. They'd reduced the characters in each plane to being useless, because no matter what happened, the Planeswalkers would just show up and save the day. What business does Chandra have stopping a vampire wedding? It makes no sense. There's deep irony in them announcing they are making a movie and a show based off of Magic, because, like, what is there to make something off of? They are creatively bankrupt, and going away from three sets per block really hurts the storytelling. I don't know how the managed to fuck up the Praetors coming back, but they did it somehow. All they really have left is making Nicol Bolas or Emrakul the big bads again.

You should. It absolutely breaks the immersion of gaming. It's one thing to see indie game characters show up in other games, I feel like there is camaraderie there. Otherwise, Fortnite succeeding with its IP soup was the worst thing to happen to media in a long time. Crossovers used to feel special, like Marvel vs. Capcom or Kingdom Hearts. Those games wouldn't have any impact nowadays because it'd be nothing special, hell it'd be expected for characters from different franchises to interact.
Real quick for anyone still watching this thread, anyone know where I can print high quality proxies? I make my own but they're not exactly great looking, they look fine but they always come out a bit washed out and I always just print them on regular paper and put them on top of a random common card in a sleeve.
I'm more specifically looking for Yu-Gi-Oh proxies, I don't want to spend 300 or however many euro on the new Seventh Tachyon but still would like to have it in decent readable quality for one of my decks.
All the 'universes beyond' shit is why my partner has a cube he works on constantly. It's just good staples, self-contained format, everything has reminder text, everything at least looks like it belongs in MTG.

I'll admit, I'm part of the problem. I got the Madison Li precon when the Fallout cards came out. ::badpc
I used to play Yu-Gi-Oh! pretty regularly. I played pretty much exclusively casually until about 2011/2012 and a card shop opened up near me that actually had regular locals, and I played competitively there until about 2016 when the shop died. I mostly stopped playing the game a couple years later. Between not really having anyone to play with, and not really liking how the game had changed, I just didn't really enjoy playing anymore. I was one of those people who played like, a lot of different decks, but I mainly did Crystal beasts, Gravekeeper's, and Cyber Dragons. I've tried getting into other card games, but I've yet to find one I really like. Hearthstone never really clicked with me, I haven't enjoyed the Pokemon TCG since before EX cards were introduced, and while I have had fun with MTG, dealing with land kinda just ruins the game for me. The only other one I've really enjoyed before was Duel Masters, but that's not a game I'd say exactly as an active scene, at least here in the U.S. I've recently tried the Digimon and Dragonball Super tcgs, and I'll at least say the Dragonball one has some potential for me, but I'm a lot less motivated to really go all in on it since there just really isn't much of a way for me to play it with anyone in person for the most part.
All the 'universes beyond' shit is why my partner has a cube he works on constantly. It's just good staples, self-contained format, everything has reminder text, everything at least looks like it belongs in MTG.

I'll admit, I'm part of the problem. I got the Madison Li precon when the Fallout cards came out. ::badpc
MTG is the Fortnite of card games. The game has lost its plot completely. MTG currently has by far the worst lore out of any card game and continously makes the worst gameplay decisions I've ever seen. Hopefully they can get their stuff together and release a good set after Final Fantasy because the last couple of sets are still sitting on store shelves where I live, where before MTG was the first thing to either sell out or have very few sets left on shelves.
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I used to play Yu-Gi-Oh! pretty regularly. I played pretty much exclusively casually until about 2011/2012 and a card shop opened up near me that actually had regular locals, and I played competitively there until about 2016 when the shop died. I mostly stopped playing the game a couple years later. Between not really having anyone to play with, and not really liking how the game had changed, I just didn't really enjoy playing anymore. I was one of those people who played like, a lot of different decks, but I mainly did Crystal beasts, Gravekeeper's, and Cyber Dragons. I've tried getting into other card games, but I've yet to find one I really like. Hearthstone never really clicked with me, I haven't enjoyed the Pokemon TCG since before EX cards were introduced, and while I have had fun with MTG, dealing with land kinda just ruins the game for me. The only other one I've really enjoyed before was Duel Masters, but that's not a game I'd say exactly as an active scene, at least here in the U.S. I've recently tried the Digimon and Dragonball Super tcgs, and I'll at least say the Dragonball one has some potential for me, but I'm a lot less motivated to really go all in on it since there just really isn't much of a way for me to play it with anyone in person for the most part.
Hey, there's quite a few Edison formats for Yu-Gi-Oh, if you want an automated sim that has it check out DuelingNexus, it's all on browser and fully automated as well as having Edison supported.
I just want more people to play the game, not so much buy product just have people that play. The game is struggling in terms of casual players, even I'm more of a competitive player despite playing weaker decks.
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Card games on motorcycles.
Hey, look at my profile pic, I'm the biggest advocate for these things
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