2D and Top-Down Zelda game


Year 2000 Revolution
Level 5
Dec 3, 2024
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Sol III, Milky Way, Virgo Supercluster
I wanted to make a thread about these specific episodes in the franchise (ranging from the first to Echoes of Wisdom, including the DS games even if they're 3D technically).

Which one (or ones) are your favourite and for which reasons?

Also here's a video making a nice summary of them (it got released before Echoes of Wisdom's trailer)

PS: While we can still talk about it I think Zelda II will be put out of the list as it was an episode too different from the rest.
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Minish cap is my favorite zelda ever

Minish Cap is surely one of the most gorgeous looking GBA game ever (especially since it was the end of the GBA's life, shame they couldn't have made it last another year).

I also absolutely adore the ALTTP and Oracle references in the game (like some themes like the Rain in the mountain, the game over being also the intro cinematic's, the underground crypt being Zelda 1's dungeon and so on).

Too bad the Kinstones and the shell for the Gacha made the last Heart Piece hell to get.

It's one of the most triumphant theme in the franchise in my eyes
I love all of them except Oracle of Ages and Minish Cap (though even the weakest Zelda isn’t bad, just weaker than the others imo). Haven’t played Echoes yet.

Link’s Awakening and ALBW are my favorites!
I love all of them except Oracle of Ages and Minish Cap (though even the weakest Zelda isn’t bad, just weaker than the others imo). Haven’t played Echoes yet.

Link’s Awakening and ALBW are my favorites!
Oracle of Ages had some tedious moments but I think these were refreshing compared to Nintendo's usual work.

Capcom/Flagship wanted to bring a new region, new antagonists and not having to reuse Ganon and Zelda yet again (to some extent).
Yeah I think Seasons is great for reference, but Ages was, as you said, tedious to me.
Yeah I think Seasons is great for reference, but Ages was, as you said, tedious to me.
It required a bit more mind than even the usual for Zelda.

But I find it nice to have colour based puzzles with the block or with the "one tile at a time and only once" rooms.

If Zelda is too action then it's not fully a Zelda game to me.
It required a bit more mind than even the usual for Zelda.

But I find it nice to have colour based puzzles with the block or with the "one tile at a time and only once" rooms.

If Zelda is too action then it's not fully a Zelda game to me.
I agree, but Seasons didn’t have exclusively combat sections right? Or am I misremembering?
I agree, but Seasons didn’t have exclusively combat sections right? Or am I misremembering?
Seasons started as a Zelda 1 remake and was mostly action-focused whereas Ages was mostly puzzle focused.

I think Zelda is about the good equilibrium of action, puzzles and exploration.

Which is funny when BotW haters are telling that the game is bad because of the lack of proper dungeons are ignoring that the game is a nod to the original first game and has a huge emphasis on exploration, combats being more planned and thought than spamming the sword slash and the puzzles are scattered all around the map but I digress.

After playing Zelda 1&2 last year I think the first was a rough draft while ALTTP is much better as the basis of the entire franchise (yes, OoT is basically ALTTP but brought to the third dimension in a way) the same way Super Metroid is a fully fledged Metroid compared to the first two.
After playing Zelda 1&2 last year I think the first was a rough draft while ALTTP is much better as the basis of the entire franchise the same way Super Metroid is a fully fledged Metroid compared to the first two.
Yeah I’ve also least sort of felt this. Mario World also to a degree feels like them finally having the resources and tech to make the games they wanted the OGs to be.
Not to discredit the originals of course, just sharing your sentiment.
Yeah I’ve also least sort of felt this. Mario World also to a degree feels like them finally having the resources and tech to make the games they wanted the OGs to be.
Not to discredit the originals of course, just sharing your sentiment.
Super Mario Bros 3 was quite impressive but yeah, the NES limitations prevented Yoshi from being included.

I mean I encourage anyone to try the genesis of a franchise, even with savestates just to look how far we've come.

I find this meme quite relevant and so relatable regarding a lot of popular franchises...

Too bad they didn't include Metroid nor Zelda lol. I'd even add Pokémon since nowadays aside from older fans nobody is touching the GB/GBC games...
Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past is still my favorite. The way the game opens up over time so you can scour the map for secrets made me fall in love with it, and the map isn't so big that it takes forever to get anywhere. I also love the way the dungeons were designed, each building off the last to create better puzzles. And the bosses were pretty sweet too!
Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past is still my favorite. The way the game opens up over time so you can scour the map for secrets made me fall in love with it, and the map isn't so big that it takes forever to get anywhere. I also love the way the dungeons were designed, each building off the last to create better puzzles. And the bosses were pretty sweet too!
I also love how fairly open the game actually is (you can do several dungeons out of order).
Zelda 1 and 2 are my favorites. I understand LttP is better on a technical level and they could do more with a bigger cart and better hardware, but the last time I sat down to play it, I did so for about an hour and was like, "I don't think I like this." Can't quite put my finger on why. But I'd take Metroid over Super Metroid too, so maybe it's just me having not had an SNES at the time or something.
If we're talking about the "Holy Trinity" then it would be Link's Awakening, Link to the Past, Minish Cap and Majora's Mask would be the upside down triangle in the middle. I mostly enjoy the top down Zeldas because the combat felt solid where as in games like Ocarina of Time & Wind Waker combat is too simple which is weird because shouldn't it be the opposite? For example Twilight Princess when Link gets a new move from the Swordman, the moves feel like something that just makes fighting certain enemies easier similar to Metroid Fusion where theres a enemy you can't kill easily and you get the powerup in the same area that can kill it easily.
I wish there was a modern top-down Zelda that follows the spirit of the first game.

Anyway, my favorite is Link's Awakening. The game felt like one magical adventure.

In the top down side I really like the Oracle Duology, is awesome that Capcom did a great Zelda game, and I still like the idea of connecting the two games to see more things like the third story.

A Link to the past is really fun too, specially with the Randomizer in which you can play as a lot of characters.
My absolute favourite is the Minish Cap but other people have already mentioned it well enough so I won't say too much about it.

But there's another one that may not be considered a good Zelda game but has a soft spot to me: Tri Force Heroes. It was the first Zelda game that I ever played and was really intrigued by the world and characters. I also really liked the costume mechanic. It is flawed but has its charm.

I need to revisit it someday now that I think about it.
Zelda 1 is all time favorite. While A Link to the Past and A Link Between Worlds are my other favorite top down Zelda games, Zelda 1 has a simple story and objectives to do. Find 8 triforce pieces and rescue Zelda by finding items and defeating enemies.
A Link to the Past and Link's Awakening are the ones I enjoyed most specially Awakening because of the adventure itself and its charm.
A Link to the Past and Link's Awakening are the ones I enjoyed most specially Awakening because of the adventure itself and its charm.
I need to do the original Link's Awakening someday.

I've only finished the remake and DX so far.

My small gripe is menu navigation and slow text but otherwise it's a great adventure.

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