
  1. Raggs

    So this turned up in my YouTube homepage...

    Feels like I was shown something different today. :-D
  2. dr grim

    Snesdrunk plaza

    Hi ! just a thread to talk about or share youtube videos of snesdrunk. This youtuber particulary got me back into retrogaming, and this leading to check for roms.. here ! He mainly review Super Nintendo/famicom games ( hence the snesdrunk name ) but also some pc engine, genesis and so on...
  3. MegaHiro91

    FMV - Fanmade Music Videos

    I was never big on making my own music videos. Like drawing it was just one of those crafts where I shot myself down from the beginning with the self doubt that what others created was pure magic that lil 'ol me couldn't possibly in my wildest dreams hope to recreate. So when I finally made one...
  4. Toppis

    how you would rate my new video

    How would you rate my new video where I help show how to beat this Alex Kidd game?
  5. XXDaisukeXX

    Rondò Veneziano - La Serenissima

    Just want to share this amazing banger with you guys. The videoclip's animation was created by a Japanese Tv studio, if I am not mistaken. Give your opinions.
  6. monkun

    Media Servers (Jellyfin, Plex, Emby)

    In recent years, I’ve grown pretty dissatisfied with streaming services, especially since around 2020. One of the main reasons is that many of the popular platforms keep removing shows I enjoy. On top of that, a lot of the anime I watch is obscure and hard to find on streaming services...
  7. Waffles

    Did you use to watch BirdyBoots?

    BirdyBoots was one of my favorite YouTube channels, ran by singer Emma Blackery. I always loved the way she played and commented on games. It was cozy, chill, and occasionally really funny. It was also through her efforts that I ended up discovering some really cool games, like Life Is Strange...
  8. Bakuma1997

    Angel Hare: A holy wind of fresh air in a bloated homogenous genre (SPOILERS AHEAD)

    CONTEXT Analog horror is a creative genre, birthed as we know it in Local58 but originated in the found footage movies, a great deal of ideas unable to be plasmated in regular horror can come together in this creepy VHS faux experience... In its few years, nowadays people seems to be more...
  9. HTBandicoot

    New YT Channel For Retro Games

    I just started this YouTube channel as a way to try out all of the games on my retro device. I also want to research as I go and provide descriptions of the games and their impact. I’ll try to create a new video whenever I can, but I want it to be something I’ll do it in my own time. I...
  10. BigTony

    Xanadu Next Gamesters

    new video on the game review channel I run with some friends I only did the editing on this one but I think it turned out pretty well it convinced me to check out some classic Falcom games. our goal is to recreate the style of early YouTube game reviews a big part of that is being a little edgy...
  11. Teone

    Cloth Map: Gaming Cultures Around the World

    Remember the white blinking guy? Well, this is him now. Cloth Map was a project from Drew Scanlon, mostly known from Giant Bomb (or the meme), where he would travel around the world to get immersed into different cultures and their relationships with video games. Unfortunately, the last update...
  12. Spike

    Why the limitations of the PS1 and N64 mattered

    Great analysis by Modern Vintage Gamer
  13. Smiley Cat

    Anyone have any retrogaming Halloween "specials" to recommend?

    For example... :LOL:
  14. akumajobelmont

    I'm looking for people to join me in creating the 'Arcade Racing Central' YouTube Channel!

    I'm Robbie. I'm pushing 42 years of age, and I'm still in love with gaming in a certain way as I have ever been. Channel Trailer: ❄⛄WINTER RACING:???Snowy Tracks, Festive Vibes in Arcade Racing games ???: I've got a creative streak in me. I love working on music and other creative...
  15. Spike

    Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games

    This guy is a genius. He created Kirby, designed Super Smash Bros, and so much more. Then, out of nowhere, he decides to start a YouTube channel to freely share tons of valuable tips on becoming a great game developer. This content is priceless. It’s like Mozart coming to your house to teach you...

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