fan translation

  1. S

    One piece unlimited adventure repolished undub

    Anyone think it's possible to add subtitles to unlimited adventures at all? Even the dub doesn't have subtitles at all and i have no idea why bamco would think it's a great idea to not give an options menu at all.
  2. N

    Metal Slader Glory: Director's Cut fan translation released

    Any of you interested in this?
  3. DrLivingdark

    Worst Language Patch You've Ever Played (Or Read)?

    This can apply to any patch that is not good, either through grammar, faithfulness to the source writing, or formatting. For me, one of the early Fire Emblem Gaiden translations sticks out as really, really hard to read in how it was programmed.
  4. Boogal

    Super Fire Pro Wrestling Special Story Mode Translation

    Just finished this up today, but here's a full story translation hack of Super Fire Pro Wrestling Special, aka the Suda51 one. The non-story mode sections were removed due to some changes we had to make to get the script to fit, but as far as I can tell the story mode is the only reason to play...
  5. lucius77

    Recomienden juegos poco conocidos y que sean buenos con traducción fácil de encontrar

    Hola, buenos días, buenas tardes y tengan traducción al español y no quisiera al típico final fantasy 7 o metal gear solid, quisiera algunos no tan conocidos como galerians,saludos desde Argentina
  6. Mago

    What are your gaming translation white whales? Games you want to see translated but feel it'll never happen?

    Digan no Maseki I love the art and music for this game. The plot seems unique even today. The gameplay sounds interesting and fairly deep though I don't even know what the combat is like (I think it plays more like an early Wrpg which is more interesting to me than like a typical Final...
  7. rocking3

    Will AI machine translation help fan translation game projects?

    I personally don't think AI is all there yet. It makes mistakes frequently, and even makes shit up. I do wonder how accurate it will get at translating human languages though. I don't personally know that much about what it takes to translate a game, and I imagine it's more than just being able...
  8. rocking3

    Prisoner for PSX fan translation by Chapu

    From romhackplaza:
  9. Toppis

    Video games you would want to translate yourself

    What video games would you want to translate yourself if you had the skills
  10. King Koopa

    Any news on the game Brightis getting a fan translation in English?

    I love playing this game but i eventually stop because I have no clue what I'm doing or what is going on.
  11. S

    Are there any English Translation Patches Available for Fairy Tail Games (PSP)?

    There are three Fairy Tail games available on PSP: I think it's been years. There must be patches available.
  12. Ícaro Oliveira Santos

    Breath of Fire IV (PT-BR)

    Hey Spike, could you post the Brazilian fan translation of Breath of Fire IV?, The fan translation was made by nhojunior. Here's the link:
  13. Sebas366

    Logre instalar los parches al español de las versiones de PSVita de Persona 4 golden y Steins;Gate

    Fue algo complejo, pero se puede lograr unicamente usando un teléfono, lo único necesario seria un emulador de windows para ejecutar los parches, pero funcionan en el emulador sin problemas 1735169890
  14. nanashi89

    Momotarou Densetsu (English-Patched)

    From "Game Description: This game is based on a Japanese story. An old couple find a peach, and they take it home for dinner. To their surprise, when they cut it, a baby is inside. They name him Momotaru, and he becomes a strong young...
  15. Karnik

    Which translation patch were you most eagerly awaiting?

    Hello to all the nerds around here. I am mainly referring to the golden era of romhacking and the dawn of translation projects, when some legendary translation groups such as DeJap, RPGONE, j2e, RPGe and Aeon Genesis, and others more or less important (and today often forgotten), dedicated heart...
  16. Snakethoot

    Hokuto no Ken Playstation 1 game has no english translation?!

    That just blows my mind. I know there is a chinese translation of the game, but with the huge following this series has, I don't understand how there is no english translation. The game is an absolute blast and it's one of the most good looking PS1 games out there. So... anybody willing to make...

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