I play a vast variety of games and tend to try any genre or subgenre at least once, but one kind of game has always been what I come back to: those of persistence and mechanical mastery, of unjust odds and exaltation of the player who chooses to finds a way to thrive. Nowadays, Fromsoftware is...
Shout out to @Omega Chad 's review for inspiring this
(you can read it here https://retrogametalk.com/threads/players-may-cry-a-devil-may-cry-2001-review.3334/)
With all the memorable bosses from the Devil May Cry series, let alone action games, I find myself being very fond of this guy
Devils don't cry, it's the players
A Devil May Cry (2001) review.
A little intro to the series.
Hideki Kamiya, a man known for creating one of the most revolutionary game that would forever shape the Survival Horror genre. During the early 2000s, Kamiya and his team were working on Resident...
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