- Be respectful of other people and their opinions.
- No offensive content or hate speech
- No politics, religion and other sensitive topics. This includes username, avatar and signature.
- Don't spam, use the proper sub-forums. No double posting
- No Piracy linking on discussion threads. Does not include Repo section.
- NSFW imagery and discussion is forbidden (this means pornography and extreme violence/gore)
- No requests for money, donations, or financial assistance from others.
Signatures: Max size 750px by 150px (You can make it smaller but not larger than that).
Warning system: "3 strikes policy":
- In cases of blatant disregard for the rules the staff may issue 1 warning point.
- Warnings expire after 1 month.
- If 3 non-expired warnings are accumulated the user will be banned.
- If you have been warned you'll receive a DM detailing what was the cause of it.
- Warnings appear as a link when you click in your username at the top right corner:
- And in your profile:
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