Is Dark Souls II the best in the trilogy?

Is Dark Souls II the best in the trilogy?

  • Yes its a masterpiece with a mountain of content on its back.

    Votes: 9 64.3%
  • Yes I just need to git a little guder.

    Votes: 5 35.7%

  • Total voters
This vote is interesting
I would say it was really good I mean, even Miyazaki himself said it was the best one he made. Definitely if not the hardest then one of the hardest souls game
Definitely. It's basically King's Field Souls, and the final *early* From Soft game, in a certain sense.
Lots of hate. The number one thing I always hear people say is, "Dark Souls 2 is the worst souls game, but the PvP is the best in the series."
Haven't played it YET so I'm not voting, but all the hate has always made me very curious and want to play it more.
Edit: Nevermind I see the poll is rigged, you have fooled me again...
Lots of hate. The number one thing I always hear people say is, "Dark Souls 2 is the worst souls game, but the PvP is the best in the series."
Haven't played it YET so I'm not voting, but all the hate has always made me very curious and want to play it more.
Edit: Nevermind I see the poll is rigged, you have fooled me again...
To be fair this is even more foolery because even I have not played dark souls ii, but I did play Dark Souls ii SOTFS which some say is even easier 🤭. I do recommend anything fromsoft they really have a method to their works I think most would enjoy.
It's my favorite of the three, although I think DS3 is the better game. But the environment/atmosphere of Majula alone in DS2 makes it hard to rival. The entire game is beautiful and the background music is wildly good. I come back to replay 2 more than either of the other games.
I gladly agree. I did play all 3 Dark Souls games back to back last year for the first time and out of those games I did like DS2 the most.
It takes a while to get used to the mechanics but it's a very unique experience in itself imho.
I didn't like DS3 much though - it felt like they did run out of fresh ideas and just reverted back to Dark Souls 1 with some adjustments.
I played OG Dark Souls 2 a little when it came out but quickly dropped it, mainly due to not really understanding how Souls games worked. But a few months ago I finally went back and played through it and had a blast. This might be a hot take, but I think a majority of SOTFS's changes make the game a lot worse. It seems like for every good change they made there are two or three bad changes that make the game more tedious and annoying.

Having played both now, I'm fully convinced that SOTFS being the most version that's been pushed for that past 10 years has severely tarnished DS2's reputation.
The hate for DS2 will forever be foreign to me. Fundamentally they're the same so where do you hate it? The world structure? Leveling up to dodge? Because no Patches?
Lore-wise they're equally interesting & area-wise, I strongly believe DS2 has some of the most exciting levels of the series, & twice as much at that. All the DLC is peak, the weapon/spell selection is off-the-charts, great fashion choices & NG+ additions. H-How can you not be entertained!?
I will share with you all my own feelings on dsiisotfs. I only fairly recently realized that its very different from the original dark souls ii and ever since I really want to plau the original. Once dark souls finally clicked for me after many attempts at playing various titles with the wrong attitude, outlook I finally realized what made it so great and marathon through the trilogy. Sadly until recently I never had a ps3 or ps4. So I haven't got to play demons souls or bloodborne and my pc is not good enough to do it that way. Dark souls ii sotfs takes any inconvenience from dark souls and turns it up to 11. If theres a guy in blight town that toxics you in dark souls, there will be a whole dungeon of toxic spitting dudes in sotfs. Dark souls almost has like a early metal gear solid methodology to it where it may be really puzzling or challenging, but once you finally solve whatever the issue may be the dopamine hits are so crazy off of it. On top of that there was so much content in dsiisotfs and it was still fairly similar to the world design of dark souls one less realistically if you think about it, but firelink shrine or Majula take you to damn near anywhere in the game which is always a fun part of the dark souls titles not so much in the third title. I truly feel like a lot of the hate comes from our Sony Sisters who have played demons souls and bloodborne and they know how the b team made dark souls ii while the a team made bloodborne. Dark souls iii comes in with combat that is much more similar to bloodborne and its just a whole new gameplay with all of the new skills and the new ways in which enemies can move. I like all of that, but it does make the healing and dodging aspects more like the first title. I actually highly enjoyed the subtle differences in darksoulsiisotfs because at first it sucked that drinking my juice took a little bit longer and life gems what the heck are those. 8 directional rolling. I feel like those little changes made the game both more challenging and simultaneously you a better souls player if you can conquer all of that and solo the darklurker then you can solve anything fromsoft can throw at you. I beat all three titles with a lightning infused halberd before I ever touched a filthy spell or incantation. All three titles are solid and none of them are bad. With all of this being said my favorite FromSoftware title to date is Sekiro and I really hope it gets a sequel someday.

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